
I dont understand why mymoms loves hollister so much?

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well my favorite store is hollister but i also like aero

one time at aero. i had2 hoodies tha ti was gonna try on

and i was at the change area first waiting for someone to come and unlock it then these other people cae with about 100000000 things

and the girl finally came and let them infirst and my mom got pissed off and walked out an she wont buy anything frm there anymore

but shes like idc if you get anything here but i wont spend my own money here there salespeople are horrible(no offense if any of you work there . my mom overreacts a bit, but anywayss) and then i bring her to hollister one time thinking she'd hate it cuz its loud and dark and like so o teenager and everythign

and expensive

and i bring here in and she like lvoes the store she'll buy me ike full price hoodieslol which she'll like never do

and shes lik the sales people here are so nice they always ask if you need any help or w/e

and idk

and shes lke the stores really cute idk

she hates aero wich has relaly cheap prices

ad she loves hollister the super expensive store

uh why do you think?




  1. I shop at aeropostale because that's what everyone is into( name brand clothing ) and so its cheap and they always have a sale. your mom might think that  aeropostale is overrated because i see more aeropostale shirts then any other name brand stores. also some people are like that tho when it comes to really expensive clothing like that. they think the higher the price the better quality and style. And the aeropostale people aren't that mean but they are short tempered and kind of fake to talk to you lol. my mom wont even step in to hollister cuz of the perfume!  lol

    Good luck

  2. I didn't read all of it, but from what I can tell:

    She probably likes the price of Hollister. It's super cheap, and most parents love that. The sales people there can be pretty nice, and they are usually helpful, too. Just ask her why she likes it, I guess.

  3. my opinion is that your mom is all about customer service. if the sales ladies treat her well she'll buy the whole store. there are a lot of people out there who do the same thing.

    I have to like the clothes and the people selling me the stuff otherwise i will take my business elsewhere.

    try other stores too. have you tried H&M. look it up online, there might be one near you. that store has cute clothes for all ages and at great prices.  

  4. hollister isnt that expensive and consider yourself lucky becuz a lot of moms dont like to shop in stores like those...

  5. okay one person said that hollister is super cheap? thats soo njot true

    well anyways she'd prob just rather spend more money and be treated with respect then be treated rude and spend less money. plus hollister is like diff. it doesnt look the same as any other store and thats good.


  7. maybe she has a mentel problem

    sounds like something my mom would do!


  8. i think hollister is more neat and not as crowded, lol

    i like both stores :]

    the person above me sed that hollister prices arent that expensive?? what lol

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