
I dont understand why people are so cruel to shannon mathews mother & stepfather, havent they sufferred enough

by  |  earlier

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There child was kidnapped and they spent a long agonizing wait for their child to be found. It must have been horrible for them

I know stepfather had child p**n. And yes he should be punished for that because its wrong. And yes mother should be punished for perverting justce whatever that means.

But their child was kidnapped, which is every mothers fear. she didnt know where she was whether she was alive or not

they both committed small crimes, but its nothing compared to what the kidnappers did to their child and the media and you lot should understand that




  1. If what was reported in the Press is correct, was it a kidnap, when the mother alledgedly knew about the event, and Shannons whereabouts all the time?   That is a sad situation for any parent to allow such a situation to take place. Then to string out the 'agony' of a worried and concerned parent.  Please - get real.

    I'm not condoning deliberate reactions such may have resulted, but you can hardly blame people for wondering what kind of family this child belinged to.

    There are no small, or little crimes. A crime is a crime. Kidnapping - Perverting the cause of justice whatever!!  How many serious crimes did not receive adequate response from the overstretched police service, during the investigation into a scammed event?

  2. child p**n says it all dik head, they have not suffered enough, think of the suffering them poor kids had to endure for him to get his sick fooking kicks

  3. Perhaps people are being cruel as shannon's stepfather had child p**n. And also because there seems to be evidence that her mother was some way involved in her kidnapping and knew where she was all along

  4. Good god man, she wasn't abducted, it was a set up !!!!!

  5. are you joking?? mate you are sick!

  6. the perverting the course of justice charge was because she knew where Shannon was all along, it was all for the cash.

    and as for the stepfather, a nonce will never get sympathy from me.

  7. It was one big scam, the mother knew where she was all along

  8. yah but the mom was involved so.....

  9. I think you need a bit of a news catch-up.  The mother was in on it!

  10. Someone tried to get money out of the Madeleine McCann fund for Shannon's fund as well, although AFAIK there's no proof they were connected to the family.  They did claim to be linked to the fund.

    I agree we should wait for the verdict - even the police have flyered the neighbourhood telling people not to jump to conclusions.  Let's take that advice.

  11. Lets ask this Question after the verdict yeah?

  12. HELLO....... Child pornography is NOT a small crime. Have you got children? Those children in the pictures are real, somebodies children.

  13. the child was not kidnapped it was a ploy to get money i think they are evil b******s

  14. where have you been for the last week,  dic*ed..................

  15. how old are you sweetie ?

    it may help to do a little research before posting a question like this

  16. ah come on wise up. she was kidnapped by her uncle. I dont believe her mother knew nothing about it. whos to say he didnt take her to get her away from that awful life. her step father probably abused her!!!! he is a pervert they should be punished. Shannon does not want to go home. what does that tell you!!!!!!!

  17. You have to be joking!

  18. d**k head

  19. Sounds like you don't quite understand the situation. There is a lot of information that hasn't been released yet, and it looks like the mother is implicated somehow.

    In addition to this she has been charged with child neglect. There is no excuse for this. She is a scumbag, and I hope she gets everything she deserves.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.

  20. don't think you've read up on it or you too would be disgusted with that poor girls family too

  21. have you read the papers?

    it was a scam ..... they were in on it ......she wasn't kidnapped

    perverting the course of justice and child pornography are SMALL crimes.....

    you must be JOKING or are a JUDGE

  22. You need to update your news knowledge.  The mother was involved in the so-called kidnap.

  23. She was NOT kidnapped; they staged the "kidnapping". They set it up and even visited her whie she was "missing". Poor Shannon.

  24. I suggest you research the facts a little more thoroughly before ranting at us about a subject you clearly know very little about.

  25. the mother of shannon mathews should have all her children takin away from her as she is an unfit mother anyone who can pretend there child is missing for weeks let the goverment spend 5 million looking for her is sick she has admitted knowing where her her daughter was the whole time she doesnt need help she needs locking up

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