
I dont understand why such bad things happen to good people?!

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I just dont understand. Why such horrible things happen to amazing people. I mean i know alot of people that dont deserve the things that they go through and they things that they've seen. My friend is proably the most thoughtful person in the world and just recently both of her parents died she has been crying for days and it just made me think.

And at the same time there are people that are nothing but hateful and rude and dont have half as much problems as a nice person.




  1. I guess it's just fate. Terrible things happen to everyone everyday and there's usually not a thing you can do to change that impending event (especially when you have no knowledge of it about to happen). I do find it unfair that good people have to suffer while bad people have less suffering, although I will admit that all people deserve respect.

    I also can't stand it when, for instance someone drives home drunk and smashes into an innocent person and the innocent person dies while the drunk gets off with a broken arm.  

  2. yeah i no it sucks sh#t i am a good person bad c**p happens to me but nothing that serious as in my parents dying, Like dang that must suck.. IT sucks how no good thing last forever, but Yeah i hope your freind feels better or you no dang  cant even imangine how that must feel to lose both your parents...

    okay well pEaCe

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