
I dont want my 6 month old baby anymore!!

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i'm a mom to 5 my youngest is 6 month when i have her i was very depressed during pregnancy and after the pregnancy i end up with phychosis i take medications for it she was staying with my mom whjile i recover i'm bipolar too but this baby cries nonstop doesnt let me sleep and i'm so damm fustrated i talk with the dad and i told him to get the baby and take it far away from me and he always say yess but he still here working until like 8 at night and i'm all day taking care of this baby i dont want to take care of it maybe selfish but i'm getting out of control i neeed help what can i do i'm so nervous i dont want this baby anymore!!!!!!




  1. This is a dangerous situation. If you do not feel you can take care of this child anymore, you need to give it to someone who can. If you feel this strongly about the problem then you really should see someone about it for some help. Make sure other people know how you feel about this child.  

  2. You need time out for yourself.

    Look into daycare for bubs so you get a break. I'm sure you love your baby your just tired and frustrated. Does bubs have colic is that why she's crying so much. or she's picking up on your stress i understand to an extent i had severe post natal and anxiety, panic attacks.

    Have you spoken to your health care professional about your situation cos bipolar and post natal depression would be extremely hard to deal with at the same time. What about a mums group you obviously need someone to talk to and a break from your kiddies. Please get some help for you and your kids. A friend of mine who wasn't coping very well put her kids into temporary foster care til she got herself right to be able to deal with her kids again. Would you maybe consider that as an option. Do you have a friend or family member who could stay with you for a couple of weeks and give you a hand so you can get some sleep.

    Or maybe a sleep clinic to help get bubs in a sleep routine. I hope your going to be ok you have options and people who can help you. Maybe call lifeline for someone to talk to when you feel this way.

    Your not selfish love just sleep deprived.

  3. I think you should go to talk to your doctor or mid wife. Please hang in there, im sure it will get better if you get some help and dont feel you have to cope with it on your own.xx


  5. Do you have any family memebers that can help you out, or a friend or something.  My girlfriend id bipolar also and her moods change from day to day so she let one of her friends take the baby for a while while she figured out what she wanted to do she eventually did end up putting the baby up for adoption because she was just to much work for her.

  6. You sound very stressed. I would get the dad to watch the baby and family, or whoever you can. You need a break. Get people to watch the baby and even your other kids if you can. You won't be able to be the mother than you want to be if you are this stressed. Take a break for as long as you need. Keep on the medication. Maybe get some counseling (I know for myself hormones only trigger emotional issues that are already underneath the surface). Once you get yourself in a good place, than you can deal with this. I would not give the baby up permannetly until you feel that you are in a better place. Such life changing decisions are beset made when one feels  in a good place. You sound like you are in an overwhlemed and post pardum place.

  7. Sorry to hear how much pain you are in.

    I think that maybe you should ask your mother to care for your baby for awhile until you get better. While your mom is taking care of the baby you can attend counseling. Be sure to provide your mother with money, and the necessities that your baby will need.

    I don't think you want to hand your baby over to social services, so try to keep her in the family until you get better.

    Mom, I know it is hard but you will get through this, if you can't care for the baby anymore then you shouldn't so, try to give her to family as soon as you can or if it comes down to it contact a social work.

  8. It sounds like you need to check in to the hospital until your meds are straightened out. Obviously they are not working for you. I am bipolar and had problems after my youngest was born. I did not have to go in the hospital, but I had an awesome support system. Lack of sleep will only make a bad situation worse since it tends to worsen the bipolar/postpartum symptoms. Please get help ASAP! Best of luck to you!

  9. talk to a doctor or maybe another family member i was depressed with my first child and i am now pregnant with my 3rd and i feel like that already and i hate feeling like this but i cant help it =(

  10. if you have a close friend or relivte maybe ask them to take the baby for a few days that way you can have some time to think and relax

    adoptions is also a choice

    but i no u will make the right one

  11. ive honestly felt the same way before.. its scary and depressing and you do wonder if youre going to hurt the poor thing. you need a doctor ASAP before you end up the next crazy mom on tv who drowned them all. im serious. my 2 1/2 year old has had this awful disposition her ENTIRE LIFE.. terrible 2's since day one.. and sometimes i say the same thing .. i just dont want this child anymore, someone take her before i really hurt her. please for the sake of all of your children, tell someone like your mother or an aunt or even grandmother.. MIL it doesnt matter, tell them youre having these feelings and it has to be taken care of , and not brushed off.. go see a dr and get on some meds before something bad happens.

  12. you need to get professional help before something bad happens. its not fair for you or your family to be suffering from depression so i would go talk to a doctor and pray.

  13. You can always go to a church for help. I'm not preaching here, as I am not religious and don't even believe in God, but I do know that they won't turn you away if someone needs a helping hand. You can talk to someone, and they may be able to hook you up with 1 or 2 ladies who would be willing to help you out w/your baby or even take her for a few hrs during the day to help you get some rest. Or maybe there's someone there who's willing to keep her until you can decide if you want to place her for adoption?

    Have you talked to your family? Would any of them be willing to take her and raise her? Feel free to email me if you want to talk.


  14. PLEASE do something today!! Either call your doctor or if you have a sitter/family member that can relieve you of the children for the day that would be helpful. Bottom must call a professional. I am a mother myself who suffered postpardum and I went to my doctor and she helped me through it. Please don't do anything drastrict.  

  15. You could speak to Social Care Services-they are not as scary as you may think. They will talk to you about options and you can be supported in making the right one for you.

    They wont neccessarily stop you having contct with your child and if in a few months you feel ready then your baby may come back home. Most social cares around the world prefer to keep babies with natural families so you wont get in trouble for speaking to them!!!

  16. I think you need help.  Help with your own well being and help with the baby.  If you could hire someone to watch the baby on a regular basis it would probably help you a lot.  

    I hope things get better and soon.

  17. It sounds like you have post pardum depression and need to talk to a doctor about it. I do think that they have medication for that, and counseling. The medications you are on now may not be effective for this, I don't know. But you do need to talk to the doctor. And maybe see if your mom would be willing to come over and help a little. Its hard when the baby is a newborn and cries a lot, but they get better eventually when they start sleeping longer hours. Im sorry you feel this way. But since you had depression during depression, that puts you at a higher risk for post pardum depression. Defiantely talk to the doc, and hopefully they will get help. ANd tell your husband he needs to help out more or else.  

  18. if you have a history of mental health problems, it sounds like it's time to seek help again. find someone who can take care of your children (not just the baby, all of them) so you can get help and get well.

    best wishes, things will get better!

  19. Call a responsible relative or friend and have them take care of your baby while you call your doctor asap.  I know the feeling when your baby is crying non-stop and you don't know what to do.  Its okay to ask for help when you need it especially when you are feeling frustrated and angry.

  20. Well I would definitely talk to a psychatrist if I were you. But if you really honestly cannot handle a baby then put it up for adoption.

  21. Get help by seaking relatives out and reach out to them. You'd be surprised what relatives will do to help in times like these. Even try asking your parents for help, etc. I've btdt that too, and doing it alone with little sleep just about wears you down to tears! Ask family for help, please. *hugs*

  22. PLEASE TAKE YOUR BABY TO A FIRE STATION, POLICE STATION, OR HOSPITAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, before you end up hurting the baby.  Even if you just drop him or her off there.  Please just take the baby to a relative or a friend or the hospital until you can begin to give this baby up for adoption.  Please do not get frustrated with the baby, it is not his/her fault at all.  

    There are too many stories of children being abused til they are dead, this world doesn't need anymore neglectful or abusive parents.  If you give this baby away properly, you will be doing the right thing.  Please go to a hospital.  

  23. First step. You have recognised there i something wrong with how your feeling. Go to the doctors and let them know. There is so much support out there for you. Have you sat down with your family? Be honest and let them know, I need help. Do not feel like you should just have to cope. The doctor and your health visitor can offer you support and advice to help you with this. Good luck.

  24. please talk to your doc i know its frustrating h**l i had post partum deppression til he was almost a year and it went away cause it kinda got better not fully cause it never does when youre a parent  but you need to relax and try to find time for you and keep your sanity. its defiantely not easy but seek med help and then figure out your options and work from there. i wish you the best of luck i really do. when my son was a newborn i couldnt stand to be next to him either and when his father would come home id leave to other room and let him deal with him even though he didnt want to and complained. but i did it to try to hold myself together. good luck mamas and remember its going to get worse before it gets better but when it gets better youll feel alot better and maybe by then youd want your baby

  25. There is no Mam in the world doesn't  want her child unless its not her child orpsychologypsycholgy problem.Children are gift from God you have to accept them with pleasure maybe this child you dont want will be the only child that who takes care of you when u get old  .Remmber there are many people want to pay there life to have only one child .

  26. i could take care of your baby, but you know its impossible (i want a girl because i have the boy) well you could ask for help to your family or friends or hospital someone could help.

    good luck and if you need more information send me a e-mail i love to help

  27. Seems like your out of luck. Perhaps you should've invested in some birth control or at least condoms 15 months ago if you didn't want to care for a child. Stop being so lazy and selfish. Get your butt off the computer and pay attention to the baby, then maybe it won't squall all the time.

    EDIT: I read some of your other q's. You seem like a bored troll, grow up.

  28. If you don't have anywhere else to take the kids go to a hospital.  You need some kind of help before you do something to yourself or to your kids.

  29. You need to call your doctor NOW! Or have a relative come and get her. This is serious. call now!

  30. Dealing with postpartum depression, bipolar disorder and a newborn are all very stressful situations.  Perhaps the baby's father does not understand the depth of the situation, as often new mothers are overwhelmed and say things that they normally wouldn't when stressed out.  However, my concern is that you are bipolar, and in the depressive phase.  I would recommend that you seek immediate help from a family member to come and take over the care of the children, and seek care from a psychiatrist who can help you with the bipolar issues.  The last thing you want is for the bipolar disorder to influence your thinking in the care of your children.  Being a mom is the most difficult job in the world.... but if you have a disorder that can interfere with the care of your young children, you have an obligation to them to make sure you are getting the care they need you to have to be a successful mom.  Send the baby back to your mom... as well as the other children, so that you can have a real chance to take care of your needs.  It is okay to ask for help- so many moms think that they need to be "supermom" all the time.  If you feel that you can't do it... that is a HUGE sign that you need some help.  Think of the kids first- and do what is best for ALL of you- get someone to take the kids, and you get the help for your needs.  

  31. Make an appointment with your doctor and discuss your options.

    If you have family close by possibly they can take your youngest a couple days a week for a few hours each time to give you a break.

    Hang in there, things will get better.

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