
I dont want my ferret anymore...what should i do??

by  |  earlier

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when i first got them i thought they were the coolest. but they proved to be to much to handle and i got overwhelmed. soon i will be going to basic training for the military and i wont be able to take care of them i dont know what to do??




  1. Further proof why ferrets should NOT be bought on impulse.

    Surrender them to a ferret shelter.  And give the shelter a donation to help cover some of their costs -

    Do NOT sell to some stranger.  Most people don't have a clue how to care for ferrets and they'll either end up dead or neglected - or later dumped at a shelter.  Spare them that and let the shelter pick an appropriate home for them.

    Question - why did you get them in the first place if you knew you'd be going into the military?

    Edit: so you think just because someone goes to CHURCH as you put it, that makes them a good ferret owner?  Give me a break.  And nice comment about the "wanting to go out and kill someone".  How appropriate when you're joining the military.

  2. I hope this is a lesson to ALL people that you dont go buying a pet without knowing what you're getting yourself into.  I love ferrets but I know that although they are the perfect pet for me, they arent perfect for everyone.  This goes for dogs, cats, lizards, rabbits, horses, etc.  A pet is a commitment that needs thought and work and pets are not disposable whenever you get tired of them.  I cant stand watching people buy pets because they are cute and small and then sending them away when they figure out that they actually have to work.  

    I am pissed off right now.

  3. to the person who had the first answer; your a jerk! thats not a funny joke!

    to asker; you could give it to the shelter. poor poor ferret:(

  4. wow.  that's a shame that you had to put the poor ferret(s) through all that....if you can't find another home for them, then find a no-kill shelter.  hopefully, in the future, you will THINK before owning another animal.  not the most responsible thing to do....hope the military shapes you up.

  5. I am sorry you are no longer able to care for your ferret.  It is better you try to get the ferret to another home than to abandon it or take it to a county shelter.  Ferrets are very susceptible to canine distemper and even when they are fully innoculated, they can get the virus and it is not treatable in a ferret. Most SPCA's and county shelters have the virus in the shelters and it is not a safe place for a ferret.  Also, if no one adopts him in a set time, he will be history.

    There are many ferret organizations all over the world who will take in your ferret and try to rehome him to a forever home. There may be someone out there right now who is looking for a ferret just like yours.  Since I do not know what state you are in, I have attached a site that lists sheleters and rescues all over the world:

    You can also google ferret groups, rescues and shelters in your area and see what you can find.  Wish your ferret good luck in finding his forever friend and home.  

  6. sell it!!!

  7. Surrender them to the SPCA and they can do your dirty work for you. OR you can try to make a listing on Craig's List, maybe somebody will want them.

  8. Give ME  the ferrets!!!!!

  9. You can hand it over to an animal shelter, just make sure you visit the place to make sure it's clean and they have a no-kill policy so you know it will be safe. If you can't find a place then advertise it on and Make sure you meet the potential new owner. I would make out a list of general care questions about ferrets and if they can't answer them then don't give them your ferret. Hope I helped!

  10. This is what makes me sick.

    It's people like YOU who don't know what they are getting into. They think they're cute and adorable, and don't do any research and then when they get them home and realize they're hard to handle, they're gone!

    Take the poor thing to a shelter, don't sell it to a stranger, there are people who buy them just to torture them.

    Maybe NEXT TIME you'll actually care about the animal you buy HAVING A HOME, instead of having to move around from house to house with no where to go. Way to go, pal.

    I hope you feel wonderful as you put that ferret in a shelter.

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