
I dont want to betray my wifes confidence in me but.....?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried to tell her that she is overly committed to work and school , but she wont listen. I dont get any affection or acts of love from my wife , she never touches me the way I like and she can go forever without s*x with me...I cannot m********e and I have all of this pent up sexual desire that has no way to be released , I am thinking of finding another woman but I dont want to. 10 years of marriage 2 children still in school and a pretty decent woman except that she places so many things before her duty and responsibility to me , I dont want to give it all up , but I feel unloved seriously , and she had the most wicked and whorish women that she calls "friends" they have no sexual morals whatsoever , I need to have a woman who wants to please me , I am a man and I need to feel like one , not just a husband , and father who can fix stuff and watch the kids , and go on trips , I want to have a woman who makes me feel good in so many ways and my wife isnt up to the task , she is a career woman and very independant. I wanted a divorce but she says she doesnt think we need one , what are your thoughts on this matter?




  1. You can't m********e?  Oh puh-leeze!

  2. WHY cant you m********e? I dont get that.. My guy does it next to me if it is really early when he goes to work. ALL men need to do that even when their s*x life is good!

  3. This is a tough one! She needs to find time for her home life as well as work. There is a happy medium she just needs to focus and find it.

    You should just plan a night (soon) tell her that you are taking her out, (just the 2 of you). Go out for dinner and talk. Let her know you need her. You need to feel her touch. Then on your way home find a place where you 2 can go parking! And have some incredible s*x!

  4. I have a professional full time career, and a family, but if I thought for a moment that I made my husband feel unloved and unwanted I would shoot myself! She needs a reality check. Sit her down and read what you have written here to her. If she wants to keep her marriage and not just use you as some kind of superior handyman/babysitter then she needs to get her act together.

  5. Tell your wife just how you are feeling, in fact, go show her this question, if she had any idea that you were looking for another woman I bet she would make some changes.  She probably does not know/understand the depth of your feelings on this, so please, before you wreck a marriage, at least give her the chance to fix what she is doing wrong.

  6. have you suggested marriage counseling?  I think that should be your first consideration before you even mention divorce.  Tell her how you feel and that you think you need to do this for your marriage to survive.  Let her also know she's hurting the children by being gone so much as well.  If she truly loves you she will understand your feelings and will commit to counseling.  Good luck to you.

  7. Haha.. that sums it up. "I wanted a divorce but she says she doesn't think we need one". Amazing. Be a man and tell her she can uphold her end of the marriage or you're walking. Or, maybe take her once in a while and show you that you want her.. you sound like a total v****a.

  8. So, has it just recently become like this.  Suggest to her that at least once a week, hire a sitter and the two of you go out and get to know each other again.  Explain to her that you are feeling neglected and you need to know that the flame is still there.. the woman you fell in love with is still inside there somewhere... Do you love her enough to work with her to reveal that love once again?  Good luck...

  9. She needs a reality check.She can be a career women and a wife and mother,She needs to balance her priorities,she married you and she needs to make you happy .If you have not already done this you need to sit her down and open up and be brutally Honest with her. It is not her choice if You want a divorce that's up to you.Good Luck.

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