
I dont want to go into labor yet!?

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ok so im worried im going to have my baby to early. I have been getting mild cramps at my pelvis area and down under is swollen(sorry if tmi). doctor said her head is down and im 33 weeks. Should I call my doc and ask her to check me? Or is this normal? Its way to early for me to have my baby im worried




  1. Hi Jen,

    I'm surprised your midwife hasn't explained this.

    You're having braxton hicks contractions, these are "practice" contractions your body will have in preparation for labour, they are completely normal.

  2. Dont worry hun, this is absolutely normal. Your just having braxton hicks contractions. Plenty of women have these more increasingly in their last trimester. Ive been having them non stop for the past 2 wks and nothing yet (im 38 wks). Now when the contractions get soo bad to where you cant talk through them and they stop you in your tracks then thats when you should be concerned. Those are actual labor contractions and you should call your doctor immediately. Hope this helps!  

  3. don't worry hon there just braxton hicks contractions and most babies turn head down from around 30+ weeks so it's normal, if your freaking out about it then go and get checked up.

    And just to put your mind at ease my daughter was born at 32 weeks, yeh she was tiny and had a few problems from birth but she got through everthing and is about to turn 3...looking at the size of her now i'm like wow it's hard to belive she was only 4lbs!

    Good luck with the birth of your precious bundle...hopefully not too soon!

  4. These pains are  just braxton hicks contractions which are perfectly normal and don't indicate that labour will start anytime soon. Its just your body practising for true labour which you will know when it starts. Its normal for your baby to be head down at this stage.  

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