
I dont want to go to London on Sunday..?

by  |  earlier

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I have my flights and accomadation booked but I'm heading over alone, I'll meet people over there but be spending my fist night and most of the first day alone, then meeting up with people for one night only to be alone again the next to catch and early flight back to Belgium..I dont want to go now, what'll I do? I'll lose about 100€ if I dont. Plus I dont think I can afford to go, minus the 100€ I'll prob spend two hundred more! What'll I do?




  1. Go on monday.

  2. come come come, you will have a great time, even if you are alone for 1 day you will be cool there is loads to do and its well safe, never allow fear to hold you back on anything little dudette! i have travelled all over the world by myself and have been scared travelling to lots of places but i have always found that when i got to many places i have had the greatest of times.

  3. I understand -- being alone somewhere this big can be very daunting. What you need is a friendly, trustworthy local (or a few of them!) to meet up with and who can maybe show you around.  

    A really good way to meet up safely  with some fun people would be to contact some of the local Couchsurfing hosts -- there are something like 6,000 here in London.

    Although Couchsurfing is principally a site for people wanting somewhere to stay, there are lots of people who are happy to meet for coffee and a chat, or to show someone around; plus, there are general meet-ups in pubs and places for anyone who wants to come along.

    You can have a look at the profile of people before you contact them.

    If you want to sign up, I'd recommend spending a little extra cash to get "verified". This costs around $22 US, which goes towards the costs of running the site (it's all done by volunteers). But what it gives you is a badge of trust till you start getting 'reviews' from other Couchsurf members -- it proves that your name and home address match an active credit card. You can see on everyone's profile if they're verified or not, plus you can see any reviews written by people they've hosted or been guests of.

    Have a look here to find out more...

    I really hope you have a good time when you get here. Love from a Londoner born and bred.


  4. I don't get it. What are you scared of? You're Belgian and coming to London and you're scared? You don't want to travel alone?

    It's been a long time since we instantly imprisoned people from travelling over from Belgium unaccompanied, and since there are more than 7.5 million people in and around the London area now, it's quite likely you'll be able to escape notice if you want to, honest!

    You have a mobile phone, right? Keep that with you in case you're worried and go. It won't be a problem. Your written English is very good, so you'll be OK with the language. Go!


  6. No. You have to go, why waste a perfect oppotunitie to see Englands sociecty and culture, the shops are amazing.  Theres great entertainment, and people are really friendly if you go to the right places.

  7. Just go and have fun.. there is lots to do and see to keep you busy even alone!

  8. I go to London alone at least once a month. I have a great time there being a tourist. There is a lot to see and do. Enjoy yourself!

  9. go and have fun

  10. you have paid for it now so change your thinkoing go with a positive attitude and just think that by beong on your own you can be totally selfish and do everythink you want to do and there is so much to  do in london you wont be bored and quite alot of museum/art galleries are free and there a lovely parks to sit in if its sunny so you dont hav to spend that much

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