
I dont want to go to schoooooool :(?

by  |  earlier

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i get so behind on my coursework and everything

and it stresses me out

i go back on the 1st september

and i want to start with a different attitude,

but i know it'll end up in the same way

its boringggg

and harddd


coor, effort.





  1. Do your best to prepare for it by arranging room on a desk and things like that.  It was hard for me because I was always cramped for space.  And I didn't know what the problem was.

  2. Oh, come on. I was incredibly bullied at school and I still went (then I ended up with clinical depression and my mother said that was it). You do your homework and concentrate, etc and it'll pay off in later life.

  3. i dont wanna go to school?

  4. I don't want to go ether =~= but think how much worse it could be...

    At my school we get detention for leaving our books at home

    we get detention for not knowing how to do some type of math (happened to me, cause i didn't know how to do fractions...)

    we get detention if we are wearing jewlery

    we get detention if we are wearing our hair wrong

    we get detention if our uniform isnt right

    we get detention if we go to our lockers in between lessons

    lol i think u'd get the point by now, Our school is really strict with uniforms, make-up, hair, and jewlery.

    Just think, it could be much worse =~=

  5. don't be a loser, your best

  6. i do ccause  i want to see my friends but but i'm so far behind on my summer work and i still have to buy school supplies and finish 3 charts for 2 books i had to read.

  7. i'm bullied like anything, but i still want to go to school.

    i want to be the best i can be, i'm behind my art course work, just calm down please and go to school. it will pay off in later life. and by the looks of you spelling of school i think you need to go to school.

  8. You get behind on coursework and it stresses you out?

    Not going to school or going reluctantly will not help you at all. It is hard but if you going to get anywhere in life you need to put in hard work in order for it to pay off. This year will be different tell yourself this and believe it!!! You WILL get on top of your coursework and get focused. You can do it. You are on the right track sort out your problems and you will be happier.

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