
I dont want to hurt her feelings so help me please.?

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So i kinda like this chick but then again i don't...

I have a really good convo with her. She makes me laugh. I have fun when i hang out with her... I even have had dirty thoughts about her. but theres one thing i dont want to be in a relationship with her... like i could see myself someday with her but not the for the rest of my life... actually with no one... but also i flirt with other people too [girls and guys] and i feel bad because i feel like i am betraying her... i have never been this way i have always been somewhat loyal but i feel like im going to hurt her feelings what should i do ? Also im not a s**t or anything i've only been in a relationship with one guys and only kissed one guy and two girls.... so is it just a phase im going through or what?




  1. You like her a lot and she likes you.Just fallow your heart and go for it.Falling in and out of relationships is natural.It my heart,but remember that which doe's not kills us makes us stronger.If you don't go for it you will never know the good times you will be missing.If it doe's not work out and you like old men,Look me up I am single and I like the young girls.I just spend a lot of time hiding in my closet.

  2. By the sounds of it, you're just not easy to be tied down by anyone and you have a feeling that this would be a biiig problem with this girl. You need to talk to her and tell her that you aren't the "commitment kind of girl" and that she deserves someone who would always be there for her. Tell her you can't promise her anything and that it is really up to HER to decide if you are worth the trouble.

    Goodluck. it's pretty good of you to be concerned. don't listen to some of those morons above.

  3. young people today....humf >.>'ll grow up eventualy

  4. why dnt u talk to her

    or just keep having fun with her and stay friends

    if u dnt want a relationship with her u shouldnt feel like ur betraying her when u flirt with others

    cos ur just friends!


  5. hurt her feelings oh are you bi or a L*****n...

    i think it's the immaturity. ain't nothing wrong with making mistakes.

  6. speak to her about your feelings put your head on her shoulder and then cry .. maybe she beieves then.. C'moooonnn... Your Love is FAKEEEEEEEEEE... why dont you understand ... because you both have GÄ°RLY HEART and its imposiblle to love eachother like lovers... you need to find a real bf ...

  7. Why do you feel unloyal if your not exactly committed to her in a relationship? You only like her right?

    Maybe don't think too much about the stuff in the future as you are still young. Think about just hanging out with her, having fun and the rest will fall into place easily. After all you're only 17 soo you don't exactly need to be thinking about who (what gender) you will spending the rest of your life with NOW!! lol. You never can tell who you fall in love with these days anyways, girl or guy, whatever.

    Besides if you truly like her, she should be the only one on your mind. Even so that you won't even feel like flirting with other people anymore.

    Hope I make sense :P

    Good Luck!


  8. You sounds like your confused Hon. Confused about your orientation and about your feelings. It is pretty clear that you do have feelings for her, and at your age, it's natural to not be able to see yourself settling down with anyone for the rest of your life. Especially in regards to sexuality it's the hardest thing for everyone to come to terms with. So many people are against people who are different that it can be scary to admit, even to yourself that you want to be different.

    Take it from me dear, The world isn't going to change. You need to follow your heart wherever it leads you. but if I understand what you've said here right, it seems to me you do like her, and as long as your honest with her about your uncertainty, I'm sure whatever happens you'll at least remain really good friends ;)

    Remember, be honest. Take things nice and slow, and find out together if there's any potential there for anything :)

  9. It's fine if you're with her for now. I mean, you shouldn't really be able to see yourself with someone for the rest of your life at this age.. You're young.

  10. Good ............  

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