
I dont want to live anymore ? what is the reason i should keep on living this miserable life?

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I dont want to live anymore ? what is the reason i should keep on living this miserable life?




  1. I'm with you life is not worth living for people like us but people force us to live like our life is their life and by living we are going to find a cure of cancer or heart attack, or old age. I think people like us should unite and go on hunger strike for our birth right. We should enlighten our brothers and sisters the benefits of dying and leaving this miserable life like our girlfriends/boyfriends left us for other miserable people. I appoint you the president of our organization so please keep on living at least we accomplish our mission.

  2. You know whats miserable about you, only your Ego it is only what suffers not you, you do not suffer in fact you are not only what is beyond ego truly is ego itself is just a barrier to the true self, to seeing you. Your ego is tired of not getting what it wants instead do this sit in meditation and let go of the desire to have those things to have what you want and you will become happy if you can do it right away let go of them if not take thirty years or more and see where you end up. But dint run around threatening people with suicide because even if you wanted to die you cannot you can kill your body and you can kill your ego but you the true you the Not-I is immortal And even if you wanted to become mortal there is nothing you can do.

  3. You can get rid of your life without killing yourself. Change your name, move to Europe, get a job as a waiter in a cafe. Drink lots of scotch, have kinky s*x.  

  4. Hey,  I know that all the things I've personally been through in my lifetime, good, bad, and very bad, have made me who I am today.  The struggles I've been through, in the long run, have made me stronger. Knowing I got through it all makes me proud and has defined me. I'm not saying it wasn't extremely difficult to hang on at times, but those struggles were so worth going through because I can truly say now that I am happy.  Life has come full circle for me and I feel blessed I've gone through some of the (blank) in my life to get me to where I am now.  It's been a very, very long road, a journey. Life is a mixed package and we have choices in how we deal with matters.  Remember to treasure the little moments every day. I know that sounds so corney, but it is so true. I wish you well.  Hang in there.

  5. your life is miserable because you don't find 'the right way' now .. believe life is beautiful and is always so for whom who believe and find the right way. You must build your self esteem yourself - no body can help - trial and error is the rule but have a definite target ( a high self esteem)

  6. Go read - Why Me Why this Why Now by R Norwood.

    I am really sorry you are hurting but just when you think that you want to throw the towel in stay and fight one more round.

    Seriously - read this book it is unlike the usual mumbo jumbo self help malarkey - it will change your life.  

    Email me if you need someone to talk to meantime.

    All the best.

  7. ok..well there must be a reason since u have not killed yourself yet.

    theres always more good then bad in the world trust me, its just that the bad stands out.

    u gotta suck it up and become strong and change ur life for the better!!

  8. There's a slim possibility that tomorrow will be better than today.  It couldn't get worse, right?

  9. because it can and will get better.

    it can and will get better.

    when you die, its game over. you cant start over, you have no chance to make things better, you cant find out what will happen to the world. you are dead. you have no consciousness. does this sound peaceful? its not. its nothingness. you wont be able to enjoy any peaceful feeling because you will have no conscious mind.

    you dont want to die. no one does. you probably just want peace. you want to be happy. but you feel hopeless, and think that you can never achieve that sort of life. this is where you are wrong. the hopelessness is a characteristic of depression. its clouding your judgement.

    take it from me, i tried to kill myself a couple years ago. it took a lot of work to change my habits/thinking/coping skills, but now im a happy.

    find yourself a really good therapist (look around, some are better than others... but in the mean time if you are feeling desperate, just talk to any one of them. or call a hotline or something.). consider taking medications.

    maybe try reading "happiness is a serious problem". (author= prager)

    if you need someone, im here for you.

  10. You can't undo the decission if your wrong.

    And WTF not go on? it's all any of us have.

    What is miserable about your life?

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