
I dont want to nuter my cat but i dont want him to spray?

by  |  earlier

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so if i got a female kitty would he still spray? i mean hes only 12 weeks that is like demonic to cut the nuts off a cat cause no 1 wants them so if i just like get a female will that stop him and her from peeing every were? n if i have to ill pay 4 them to have a home (them being kittens) oh n 1 more thing





  1. No. Once male cats start to spray they don't stop until they get neutered. It's because of the hormones provided by the testicles that gives them the urge to mark their territory. So either get used to the smell of ammonia, or get him neutered.

  2. No getting a female cat will not make him not spray. It is a male thing and he will do it, so if you choose not to neuter him you will have to live with the smell . And it is impossible to get the smell out. And you , your house , and your furniture, will be unbearably stinky. There is no smell as bad as male cat p**s spray. I would suggest you change your mind on this, because he will be happier and not have the urge to fight other male cats and will not have the urge to spray every thing in sight including your legs. It is not cruel and in humane to neuter him, in fact it is just the opposite ,more humane to neuter.  In fact getting a female will make him want to spray even more to keep other males away. Animals and humans are different he would not miss his nuts but you would miss yours.  This is not an opinion it is a FACT

  3. I'm sorry to have to say this to you but you are asking FAR TOO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR KITTEN.  It is happening nearly every week and, by now, you should have researched things properly, rather than rely on people you know nothing about to sort your problems out for you.  You need to get a book on kittens or do your own research on the internet - Yahoo Answers is not the right place as you will get differing opinions from people who - possibly - don't have a clue what they are on about.

    The answer to your question is that you need to get your cat neutered or he will start spraying.  You can get this done at around 4 months of age.  It doesn't matter whether you have one female cat in the house or a hundred - your male cat will spray.  I really don't think you are in any fit state to bring another kitten into your home until you are able to look after the first one.  How are you going to PAY to find homes for any kittens that are produced - I suspect by your grammar and spelling that you are very young.

  4. I'm pretty sure nuetering is the only way.

  5. If you get a nother cat, regardless of gender, they both will spray. Yes, female and male cats spay.

    Just get him neutered. He'll be a lot healthier and happier in the long run. I have 3 male cats, all neutered and 3 females, all spayed. All healthy and happy!

  6. i dont think it will...i think it may make him spray more- marking his territory & all. Obviously he will impregnant the female but then go looking elsewhere for a mate....and of course you will have as many as 3 ltiters per year if you keep an unnuetered/spayed pair in the house together.

    How about a vascectomy? Have you considered this?

  7. No getting a female will not stop your tom cat from spaying. It will just lead to kittens.  

  8. I find this question very difficult to answer without giving my opinion, so you'll get an answer and then my opinion...take note or don't take note.

    If you introduce a female cat to the equation at around 6+ months she will go into heat. Now a females heat in itself is enough to put anyone off breeding from their cats as the noise is awful and the behaviour very annoying. The male WILL NOT stop spraying, in fact having an un-neutered female around could increase the chances of him spraying to mark his territory and her.

    The only way to stop a male cat spraying is to neuter him before he has the chance to start, in the UK we neuter at around 4-6 months of age. Usually 4 for makes and 6 for females.

    It is not demonic to have a cat neutered, he does not care that his balls are been cut off, cats do not have the same capacity of thinking as we do. You are been an irresponsible owner and the kind of people that get right on my last nerve. You think it's ok to put a female cat through endless cycles of heat and through countless pregnancies and you are sure you will find homes for all the kittens....I highly doubt that.

    Maybe you should take a look around your local shelter and see how hard it is to home these animals that have been left because of people like you, and see how hard staff and volunteers there work to try to help these animals.

    I think you need to take a long think as to why you adopted this kitten n the first place if you are not prepared to look after it properly and take the best care of it. You are risking your cats life as well as the lives of many generations of kittens all because your views are uneducated.

    You could be causing a lot of pain, not only to the female you intend to get, but to your male cat as well. He will be at risk from certain cancers and will be more prone to picking up disease and fighting.

    So good luck with that.

  9. I agree with the last post; ignorance is bliss, or in your case, stupidity.  So maybe you should visit the pound while they are humanely euthanizing animals by the thousands.  It sounds like you are not prepared to be a pet owner with the one you have and now you want to take on another one.  Brilliant.

    I suggest you educate yourself on cat ownership.  Unfortunately, it is true that fools like you are one of the causes of overpopulation and the death of millions of cats yearly.

    Your last question is an oxy-moronic one.  Male cats spray to mark their territory, so having a female around IS THEIR TERRITORY.

  10. Thank god some people on here actually know what they are talking about.

    Please, please get you cat neutered. It's the only responsible thing to do, spray or no spray.

  11. a male cat that hasnt been cut WILL will a female. Its in their you wont be able to stop it. Unless you want to feed it harmful medications, which will affect the cat anyway, some of those drugs cause animal depression, weight loss, anxiety, and all over unhappiness for the animal...but hey..Im guessing you dont care

    and before you say cutting off their nuts is barbaric, when you consider an female average cat can have 100 kittens in its lifetime, and thanx to irresponsible idiots like you...those unwanted animals end up homeless and starving, or dead on the road, or being put thats not it?  you moron *shakes head*

    whats more babrbaric..bringing unwanted animals into a world that will hurt them, maim them, starve them and leave them miserable, or your kitten having an operation that wont hurt it, apart from a few days with stitches.

    stupidness is not an argument...LEARN YOUR FACTS!!!!!!

  12. Once he "comes of age" he will spray.  And spray and spray.  He will become aggressive and will go outside searching for females.  He'll roam, and get in fights with other unneutered males, probably picking up one of the social diseases along the way - FeLV or FIV.  

    So yes - to answer your question - he will spray.  And your house will reek.  That's the only word to describe unneutered male cat pee - REEK.  There is no worse smell in the world, and it will be all over your house.  

    Getting a female won't stop him from spraying, it will just end up with a pregnant cat and an unbearably smelly house.  

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