
I dont want to play football this year but i feel like i have to

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i played football my freshmen year and i enjoyed it. then i stayed after school everyday to lift and run. so i was pretty committed in the offseason gettin ready for my sophomore season playin jv. well when baseball started i kinda decided i wasnt gunna play football cuz i love baseball and am more committed to it than football. but my dad wasnt happy at all. a couple weeks after baseball i went to talk to my football coach, and i ended up leavin with a football helmet and shoulder pads. i attended the football camp that next week. now i have this week off and two a day practice starts next weeek. but i really rather have a job cuz i need the money. and as much as i love football. i dont think i have the committment to play. all that practice and you only play 8 games. i dont wanna disapoint people in my family cuz they love watchin me play. and i dont get along with my dad very well and im afraid wut he will say. cuz he is not very supportive of me. i just dont know how to quit. and how to tell my dad. cuz the first time i told him. it was pretty much h**l. i know that its really good to be involved in more than 1 sport. but baseball is my focus sport. and i really wanna committ just to baseball. any help would be appreciated thanks.




  1. i know how you feel. im also going to be a sophomore this year i played football last year and had been going to all the lifting andcamps for jvfootball. i also think that all the hard practices for only 8 games arent worth it. i was worried that my family would be dissapointed but when i told them they supported my decision to only play baseball. i have heard more kids want to quit now too. i think i made the right decision and you should choose what you want not what others want      

  2. Do what you want to do. I completely understand. It's your life, not your father's.

  3. It sounds like your father has a specific reason for wanting you to play football over baseball. Maybe that is the sport he played in high school and since your relationship is strained he feels that is something you have in common. Maybe he feels like it is the more 'popular' sport. In any case if you really do not want to play anymore and would rather stick with Baseball you should just ask him flat out why he feels so strongly about that particular sport. It might help if you start the conversation by saying something like "Dad you know I enjoy football, but I love baseball and I feel I am more competitive at it and perform better at baseball then football. But I know how important it is to you that I play football. So I was wondering if you could tell me what you think about me focusing on one or the other so that I can perform better." If he still insists you stick with football at least you will have heard if from his perspective which may help influence your decision. He might have a completely different view on the topic but you will not know for sure unless you try to get him to reason with you in a calm matter and not in an argumentative type conversation. As far as the job is concerned that is simple just tell him you want to learn some responsablity and all your friends are starting to get jobs as well and you would like to still be able to do all the same stuff as them but it might start getting more expensive because they all work. So instead of an allowence you would like to make your own money...

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