
I dont want to stay on after my placement! help with this please?!

by  |  earlier

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i am stuck in a job placement till 19th sept 2008, basically my jobcentre set the placement for me, and what the try to do is put you somewhere where after the 3 months the employer IF they like you will keep you on if not then at least you have 3 months experience of work and a reference. but i think the employer i'm with assumes i'm going to stay on but i actually dont like it and am miserable there. how can i explain to him that working in lettings agents is not for me and i would like to get into something else.




  1. You need to speak to your boss. If your not happy then you wont do your best or be motivated. They wont want an unhappy employee.

    I have a similar situation. I started a new job a month ago but I really dont enjoy it and I know its not for me. I spoke to my boss tellling her how I felt I wasnt the right person for the job. She said she wants her staff to be happy and sometimes it just doesnt work out.

    Im staying until I find a new job though because I cant afford not to be working.

    Just be brave and speak to your boss about ur concerns. Its horrible when u are miserable in your job. It dominates you life.

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