
I doubt if anyone can help me..but...could you try anyway?

by Guest59783  |  earlier

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This is a long story so i hope you dont mind reading all of this but...

I am a 19 year old college student and in high school i always got good grades. However i always had a nurse and an interpreter with me all the time. I have a sort of disability you see. And i'd do my homework a lot of times because I didnt want to go in to school and then have them interrogate me on why i didnt do my homework. So they externally motivated me.

The last year in high school i went to a boarding school. No nurse, no interpreter. However I had the dorm staff watching again...external motivator.

I got into National Honor Society and the National Society of HIgh School Scholars. Got on Honor roll a lot and graduated with a merit diploma and a few scholarships.

Now in college, i've gotten on academic probation one semester and the following semester I got on the dean's list. Good huh?


Now i am a rut. I'm at home with my rents...but i've been procrastinating on my work and well..i cant seem to motivate myself anymore.

I feel depressed and wonder if i have ADD and i know i'm a perfectionist.

I doubt that i have the inner drive to accomplish all my dreams. I want to get my PHD.

How do I self motivate myself to do these things? i fear that i dont even have the resources within me to accomplish what i want to do in life. Like i am unsure I could do a daily routine day in and day out in order to do all my college homework. The semester i got on the Dean's list i had a journal which i wrote in every day on what i wanted to do for that day ...but eventually I got bored with it and stopped doing it.

I'm afraid the same thing will happen again and that i dont have the drive to continually go for my goals. So why try i tell myelf.


Maybe I seem a little pathetic but i feel like i am stuck in some sort of rut.





  1. We are all watching you so you better start performing. Get out of your rut now and think of all the resources you have and how to justify their use. This is no time to be taking a break. The world counts on bright young minds.

  2. Maybe instead of looking at all of the past things you have done, or gone through, try to start over.

    Sit down and ask yourself what you actually want to do.  Not something you've been told to do.

    Be honest with yourself, and go from there.

    We all get in ruts, and get bored and unmotivated.  I think a lot of it comes from just daily life anymore.  We have news on tv that is usually either depressing or aggravating.  We are in a really rushed world anymore, where it's hard to just sit down and relax.

    So, I would start by asking yourself if YOU really want to get your PHD, or if you want to get it because you feel like you should, or you feel like you have something to prove to someone, or someone has told you it's the thing to do.

    When all is said and done, only you know what is right for you.  Everyone will have different ideas of what you whould do with your life, but they aren't the ones living it.

    Now, humor me with telling you that it would be nice if you could find a good church, and meet some nice people, and learn about the Lord.  He is the only one to really talk to (pray) and understand what His plan is for your life.  You won't go wrong there!  :)

  3. what helped me was i made a to do list (with chores and hw and errands that ahd to be done) and when I was done I would do something just for me (go for a walk, read a book by myself or just go out and have fun) if it didn't get done then i would just stay in my room and i got bored of that real quick so i made a schedule and that helped me.

  4. Theres only one way to do work. By doing it. You just have to get it accomplished no matter what. Make it a goal to do work before all else, that way you dont get side-tracked and your work ethic wont become too weak.

    Just make it a rule within yourself. Do all work before all else. Or.. if you really need some motivation, have a friend make sure you get done what needs to be done.

    Just as my AP Government teacher wrote on my summer assignment:

    "It is time for you to begin to think of education as something you do for yourself and not for your parents or your teachers."

    Although im sure your aware of this, just realize this is proof that you are completely capable of motivating yourself, if you cannot find motivation elsewhere =)

    Good Luck, I'm sure you'll be fine =)

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