
I downed (drank very quickly) a 1 liter bottle of vodka the other day. I feel sick and its 3 days later?

by  |  earlier

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I know this was stupid, but I was already drunk and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I didn't throw up, I never seem to, but that incident was on Saturday night and as of writing its lunchtime on Tuesday, I still feel sick, although I haven't thrown up. How long can I expect it to take for this sick feeling to go away?




  1. You will start to feel much better once you give up being such an idiot......have you ever heard of alcohol poisoning.

  2. Haha thats awesome! Solid effort. From experience I've had hangovers for up to 5 or 6 days. You have punished your body and now it is punishing you back. Hopefully you haven't learned any lessons from this and will continue the legacy of young idiotic vodka drinkers.

  3. it's called a hangover.....In my opinion you deserve it maybe next time you won't drink @ all?

  4. You drank a liter of vodka?

    If you actually did, congratulations, you've probably done some permanent damage to yourself (liver, stomach). I'd worry less about feeling sick and worry more about the decisions you've made in life that put it in your head that abusing alcohol to this degree was a "good idea". Yeah, you'll feel better in a bit, but that really won't be a good measurement of the types of injury that drinking that much does to you.

  5. you could have gotten a little alcohol poisoning. I did that with moonshine...years ago

  6. You will probably need at least a week to recover from that.  You have stressed every organ and may be experiencing a bit of withdrawal now.

  7. go vto the store and get b complex. It would be in the vitamin section. I never downed a liter of vodka but it has helped me in my earlier days

  8. Try drinking some ginger ale


    stupid idiot


    id call u alot of other names but i perfer to keep this message G rated



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