
I downloaded something from but don't know what to do next can you help?

by  |  earlier

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i have downloaded 2 items from and a window comes up. there are two options save to disc or open with winrar. which do i choose? also can you tell me what to do after that. Thanks for the help




  1. im sorry i cant help u

  2. I'd start by saving to disk.  This is a rar file, and while you can open it directly, saving is better so you know where it is too delete it.

    Once you have saved it, open the file.  Winrar will open and show you the contents (and then pop-up a usage warning if you are using the demo, just clear it to continue).

    Examine the file type of the file in the rar.  If it is a .package then you will have to extract it before you can use it.  Extract it and then double click the new file and it will install itself.  If it isn't a .package file, you need to extract it into the 'Downloads" directory inside the Sims 2 operations folder.  Where this folder is depends on your OS, but Windows likes to put it under "My Documents."

  3. If you have winrar,

    you click "Open with Winrar"

    then another window should pop up with the files in it, simply highlight all those items,

    - click "Extract To" (button just above the files, looks like a folder I believe)

    - Select the path you want them to go to, which would be:

         Documents/EA Games/ Sims 2/Downloads

    - Click "Ok"

    Those files should now be extracted into your game.

    When you load your game the next time, after you've added your custom content, a bow will appear, saying it doesn't recognize the content. Just make sure you click "Enable Custom Content" on the bottom of that box, or the game will block you from viewing it.

    Every time you download custom content though, you need to restart your game in order to use it. A lot of CC uses specific "meshes" in order to for them to be recognized in game, so make sure you get the mesh to anything you want to download if it's required. :)

    Happy Simming!

  4. Open it with winrar. If you haven't already, create a Downloads folder. (go to Documents>EA Games>Sims 2>[create new folder and rename it 'Downloads']) Move the files ending with .pkg into this Downloads folder.

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