
I drank 1 pint(400ml) of vodka last night, what can i do to get it out before my breathalyzer today at 7 p m?

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its will have been 21 hours since my last drink when i take it, will I be alright?




  1. eat a raw potato, the starch helps absorb the alcohol. i know for a fact it increases the absorption rate, i worked law enforcement.frquently seen dunks chewing on a potato as you walk to the car. trouble is it don't work that fast still takes a few hours to digest. only time will get alcohol outta the system. 400 ml is 14 ounces. to be at .08 on a breath alyzer, the average sized male can consume 2 drinks the first hour and 1 per hour after that. you should notdrink any the last hour before driving, and should beunder the legal limit. however some places like manitoba lowered it to .05, and even if you are not drunk, you can be charged with driving under the influence. there are alot of place that havezero tolerance in the work place.

  2. sorry, think about it - they say there are none, but your question is borderline you know.

    "here's your sign"

  3. liquor leaves your system at a rate of about 2oz  per everyone 1.5 hours. and sliiiiightly quicker if you're being active and sweating, actually. so, like, go for a run or something. drink some water. pee a lot. aaaaand dont do that again. lol silly.

  4. uuh... if you domnt understand what effect alcohol will have on your body, then you have no business drinking it.

    you will be fine. it takes the body an average of 1 hour to burn through a single serving of alcohol. a pint is probably about 6 or 7 servings, meaning you'll be more than fine

  5. 21 hours? Yes, it will be out of your system. But what were you thinking drinking that much in the first place?

  6. you should be...but why are you drinking KNOWING you are going to be tested?  

  7. Well its quite a lot of vodka (wev all been there thou right :p).  Truthfully it depends on the breathaliser (various ones can pick up smaller traces than others).

    Your best bet is to drink as much water as possible (cranberry juice & Coffee also very effective) and excercise as much as possible to make yourself sweat.

    Good Luck :D

  8. you'll be have nothing to worry about

  9. Go for a jog and drink lots of water.  It should sweat out of you.

  10. You need to drink fruit juice to burn off the alcohol. Sugar or preferrably fruit sugars burn off alcohol. Also drink alot of water. You should be sober in a couple of hours.

  11. um wel brethe a lot

  12. First of all you drank about two thirds of a pint (a pint is 568ml)

    For the average person, alcohol is absorbed at a rate of one unit per hour. The first unit however, takes up to four hours after you finish drinking.

    Take your consumption of 400ml which is about 12 standard pub measures, of about 1.5 units.

    This is approx 18 units.

    This means the average person will absorb that amount of alcohol in around 21 hours!

    This cuts your deadline rather fine. If your one of those that take longer to absorb alcohol then your stuffed my friend.

    If your breath test is to ensure that you haven't drank in the last 12 hours, (as some of my friends working the railways have to take) then there is no way that have  you'll have it out of your system.

  13. Maybe you shouldn't have drunk 400ml of vodka yesterday.

    Oh, by the way, 400ml isn't a pint. 600mls is a pint. Sounds like you're still drunk.

  14. Apart from having a blood transfusion, it will still show although it may be a low reading after that time - depends on your metabolism, what you've eaten, what you've done during the day and your general body tolerance to alcohol.

  15. you ll be fine

  16. You'll be fine. DO NOT use mouthwash right before blowing.

  17. if you were drunk last shouldn't be drunk in the morning. you'd have a hang over but thats it. espically at 7 pm tonight night, you'd be completely sober. how old are you like 13 years old?

  18. my answer is;

    The body process's 1 oz of Booze per hour. Pint is 16oz. so 16hrs to be gone. Add 2 hours just to be safe and your at 18 hours. Drink some water. Do Not brush your teeth within 1 hour before breathalyzer. It Will show a False Positive.

    Been there, done that.

    Hope my answer helps

  19. The alcohol *should* be totally digested by that time, but just in case:

    Sip (don't gulp) gatorade or powerade to hydrate yourself and get electrolytes back into your body, do some sort of exercise (but make sure to stay hydrated while doing so) then eat a full meal with all food groups (at least 1 serving of grain, 1 serving of protein, 2 servings of fruit and/or vegetables, and a serving of milk).

    Like the others, I'm curious to know why you'd be doing a breathalyzer at a random time.

  20. You ll be fine

    @Evie♥: Byt he way a pint is 568ml.....

  21. i dont mean to sound a t**t here but 400ml isnt a pint and you only get pulled over if the driver is driving badly and/or acting suspisiusly.

  22. Vodka = ~40%. 400ml of that would equate to roughly 160ml of alcohol. You metabolise approximately 1 unit (25ml) per hour. So in 21 hours, you'd be able to metabolise approx 525ml.

    Assuming that you drunk 400ml, rather than a pint which actually equals ~560ml, you should be fine. If it was an actual pint, you'll need about another hour or so.

    And in reality, there's very little you can do once the alcohol's in your bloodstream - this is why people get hangovers and why there's very little you can really do about them.

  23. Why are you having to take a breathalyzer test anyway? Never heard of this!?!?! If you do take one I wouldn't think it would show up.

  24. You'll be fine.  Eat a good meal, brush your teeth, and get a clue.

  25. now thats just being greedy...sweat it out,and drink plenty of water

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