
I drank a 5 hour energy shot. why did I get tired?

by  |  earlier

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I was drinking one earlier today and I think I only got more tired. Why?




  1. those things are good but sugar doesn't give you that much energy but people act like it.... its your brain that  says your body is telling you your tired...maybe try coffee

  2. Maybe its loaded with sugar.(99.9% sugar)

  3. i took one of those and felt no effect at all =[

  4. because they are no good should have had a monster red

  5. I've had that happen to myself. I suspect that energy drinks such as 5 hour energy require a certain amount of energy to be already present in the body. This would especially apply to 5 hour energy because that particular drink does not contain the carbohydrates that others do.

    For example, the vitamin B in the shot will increase circulation, but if there's a limited amount of nutrients in the blood, such as glucose, the increased circulation won't do you much good.

    Caffeine works on much the same principle. Caffeine decreases the amount of electricity required to fire a neuron. Note that the energy drink doesn't actually "give" you energy, it causes a change in the way your body burns the energy it already has.

    I have, however, heard that some people have a sort of negative reaction with caffeine. That is, they'll get tired instead of energetic. So it depends.  For me, a monster energy drink with pasta seems to be the best as far as energy is concerned, but results may vary. Not everyone's the same.

  6. Energy drinks are full of nothing but sugar and caffeine, and sometimes when your constantly consuming stuff high in sugar and caffeine it starts depressing your CNS instead of stimulating it, because the receptors that normally accept that stuff are overworked. In short your body is too use to it, and when you put way too much sugar and caffeine in your system it gives you major spikes of energy for a short time, and then you crash for a long time

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