
I drank a can of red bull a few weeks ago.?

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and i was voilently ill...can anyone tell me why....i was vomiting for hours and hours....and thats no lie...i didnt say anything to anyone cause they would have been nagging me all day long.....just wondering if i could have been having a caffene overdose...




  1. Hi yep it would of been the red bull, they dont make me as sick as they made you but they do make me feel really sick and drowsy all day, its because of the caffine and what everelse is in it,it does the same to my hubby if he drinks more than 1 can, I find any engery drink appart from lucozade does it, as I dont think that contains caffine.

    I hate to think what would happen to me if I drank a red bull and vodka together god.

    So best not to drink red bull in the future as you will only be the same

  2. Dude, there is NO WAY it was a caffene overdose.  You just are probably not used to that much caffene at once.  I had a rockstar the other day and I drink them all the time but I was nauseated really bad.  Didn't throw up though because I hate throwing up and I will fight it till the end.  With me I usually have to eat before I drink energy drinks or I will feel crappy.  Don't worry about it so much.  Your over it!  Next time try a "RockStar"!!!! They Rock!!!

  3. doubt it was caffeine overdose if you just had one.

    are you sure it wasn't food poisoning? that takes a few days from eating the food to being sick.

    maybe just coincidence?


  4. It would not have been a caffeine overdose from just one Red Bull. They only have 80mg of caffein in them which is less than coffee. We can safely have up to 300mg a day before we start having problems. But those problems will not give you the result you got.

    You may be allergic to an ingredient in it though. Or it could simply be the taste. Red Bulls are EXTREMELY nasty. But even that might just have made you nautious or vomit just once rather than for hours. You can go to your doctor with a can and ask him to do allergy tests on the different ingreidents.

  5. no i seriously doubt it.  a caffeine dose you would probably pass out rather than be sick.

    maybe it didnt agree with you and you had a reaction to an ingredient?

  6. Read the ingredients on the container...there may be something in it you are allergic to.  I don't think caffeiine would have affected you like that.  Too much caffeine will make you jittery and give you headaches.  It can even make your heart beat faster and give you an irregular heart beat.

    Best to stay away from that chit, stick to soft drinks.

  7. Caffeine is toxic in large doses. Don't drink that s**t!

  8. am surprised it never gave you wings

  9. yup the caffine content mate (nasty stuff if your not used to it)

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