
I drank a redbull then coffee now i feel sick?

by  |  earlier

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I drank a redbull and then they gave me a small cup of coffee and now i feel a bit sick and i feel like i am a bit dizzy does anyone know how i can calm this down what can i take so that i feel better please help im at my job and i feel like i have a knot in my thout i did not mean to do this i did not know this has never happened to me i feel very awake but sick to my stomach at the same time please help thank you.




  1. You have had too much caffeine. Drink A LOT of water and don't do that again.

  2. red bull always makes me feel like puking

    I just avoid it

  3. You've overdosed on caffeine.....time will improve the situation, drink some water and maybe eat some carbs (bread or a bagel or some crackers); if possible, lay down somewhere for a few will pass, but don't mix the two again so close together..

  4. the first answer must be a teacher haha

    school hasnt started yet so dont go punctiate correcting people ok!

    yeah i know thats wrong but what you gonna do%!

    haha ok now the answer: just go throw up

  5. Yes this happens. I love energy drinks, but sometimes it makes me feel sick, like too much can make you feel sick and jittery. I hate it! lol okay give it time to calm down is really all you can do. Oh and drink a lot of water to get it out of your system faster, and snack on something. If you have pepto or tylenol go ahead and take that. Sometimes i get a headache along with it, so the tylenol helps, or sometimes my stomach gets a really awful feeling so that's when peptobismol comes in handy. And from now on limit the caffeine and maybe go to decaf or half caf coffee! Good luck

  6. i can see it has affected your punctuation. just drink some water.

  7. you are on a caffiene high because of the high amounts in both red bull and coffee...just take deep breaths and drink some water and you should be fine in around 15 minutes

  8. It'll wear off in a little while.  Redbull affects me like that too - I just don't drink it.  Apart from the caffeine there loads of other things in there that can make you a little wonky.  It doesn't seem to agree with everyone - drink water as everyone else has said and take long slow deep breaths, it'll pass.

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