
I drank about 8 glasses of water, then i made myself puke and now i have two red dots on BothEyesTowardsInside

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to see how much water i could drink. then my stomach was so full it hurt so i made myself puke. now my eyes hurt badly and i have a little red dot on both of my eyes towards the center towards my nose.. what do i do haha.. beside laugh at myself?




  1. go to the hospital

  2. oh jesus save this humorous young soul


  3. not to scare u or anything. but i hear this women recently drank some water and she drowned. i would go to the doctors and go check it out. it could be serious. i hope u feel better!

  4. call 911.

  5. its just a ruptured blood vessel in the eye... VERY unattractive, but it should go away

  6. wow. wth did yu do tht for?

    man id just go to sleep and chill out for a while and not do anymore stupid ****. lol

  7. This is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage.  It occurs from any activity that increases intra-abdominal pressure (ie vomiting, constipation, heavy lifting.) The redness of your eyes should resolve in 1-2 weeks.

  8. your not suppoed to drink 8 glasses at once you can overdose on water and die (for real) also haha... you almosted died.

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