
I drank for the first time last night. Was I hung over?

by Guest59980  |  earlier

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I just turned 21 so i went out with friends. I had:

1 purple fusion

1 malibu coconut pineapple

1 superman shot

2 lemon drops

1/2 s*x on the beach.

I wasn't even feeling buzzed at all, then when i got in the car (with a dd of course) i started feeling sick. After I laid down for an hour I threw up. After that i was fine. This morning I was totally fine. I also had some bruschetta (bread with tomatos and cheese) and 3 glasses of water. Was i not hung over because I got sick last night? or what? Also is that a lot of alcohol or not really?




  1. since u never drank before...then that might be considered alot...but some of the drinks you drank like the malibu coconut pineapple, is one of the more weaker kind of drinks you can get. It also depends on if you are a guy or girl...(guys can drink way more and be normal)

    You probably felt sick because

    1) the mixture of all the shots

    2) not everyone can drink hard alcohol (weak stomachs)

    3) if u didnt eat much for dinner, alcohol sits in ur stomach and then you feel nauseous

    You dont feel sick this morning bcuz you probably puked up most of the alcohol or just enough the night before. So as long as you dont feel sick today, then u have no hangover

    PS: thats great you waited to drink till you were 21!! I always get sick after drinking hard alcohol...thats why i stick to beer :) happy 4th

  2. Yes, you were hungover from the effects of the alcohol. The amount alcohol you had would knock out a 6 foot man. When you drink, have a couple of pieces of bread or saltines to coat your stomach. The bread or saltines will soak up the alcohol, and you should be fine. The bread when you have it should be plain with nothing on it, if it has anything on it, it just adds to the mix, and can make you very sick. Remember plain bread or saltines, and a designated driver and you should be fine.

  3. It's not a LOT of alcohol unless you drank it all in about an hour.  The body can process pretty much one drink (i.e. one shot of liquor, one beer, one glass of wine, all of which have approximately the same amount of alcohol) per hour.  The more you put in and the faster you do get the idea.

    Throwing up probably helped you because you got rid of any alcohol left in your stomach that hadn't started being digested yet.  The water helped the most.  MOST of a hangover is dehydration.  Alcohol is a diuretic (depletes water from your body), so if you drink much at all and go to bed without drinking water, you're much more likely to wake up with anywhere from a mild to a killer hangover.  

    Some people are lucky as all get out and can drink like crazy but wake up feeling fine.  Others drink very little and end up hungover the next day.

  4. depends on how fast you drank it. if you have a will know and wont have to ask. so i am guessing that you did not have one.

  5. it was your first time maybe your system/stomach wasn't able to handle that much(you'll get it over if you drink more hehe) so you threw up. if you were hung over, your head would hurt so painfully, you probably couldn't get up at all. IMO.

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