
I drank one bud light lime then took medication?

by  |  earlier

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I had a party last night with some friends, not too much drinking considering I had one beer, bud light lime, and it was at maybe 2-3 am or so is when I drank the beer, now it is 2 pm, and I took medication, will it do harm? Can it? I mean it was only one, and it's been hours....




  1. it says on the box if you have experimented with 3 or more alcoholic drinks than do not take so you shold be fine

  2. I've heard of hypochondriacs but seriously...

  3. The risk is minimal. If you haven't experienced any reaction as of yet then you are fine.

  4. It depends on the medication.  Its not really a good idea to drink alcohol while you are taking meds anyways.  Unless your doctor says its ok.

    I do know that if you are on an anti-biotic alcohol will make it less effective.

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