
I dranked milk left overnight it was left out. Is it bad?

by  |  earlier

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Okay i think i've dranked milk that was left overnight, i washed all of the glass and thought everything that was left overnight in the cup was out it wasn't it was still there and i put some soda in the cup and drank it along with the milk i left overnight. Will anything happened?Because when i looked in cup i dranked there was white pieces that look like pieces of napkin. I didn't wana try to taste it. But anyways i think i drank it along with the sprite but if i didn't dranked it along with the sprite is that okay?




  1. As long as you had no big floating chunks you should be fine.

  2. Probably not.  It sounds like you got most of it out.  Bacteria doubles every 20 minutes so that milk was full of bacteria that can make you sick.  But I think you'll be fine.  i wouldn't worry about it

    Best of luck!

  3. i think you'l be alright as long as you drank something that wasnt spoiled with it your system should wash it down... ive done the same thing and at the worst your sick for a day or two... if you get sick drink lots of water and try to eat as much as you can

  4. It wont hurt you but it might cause a slight stomach ache or diarea afterwards but it is nothing to be considered bad as long as the amount

    you drank wasnt ALOT!

    the more you drank the quicker ur stomach would stop hurting

    so if ur stomach didnt hurt right away

    then i dont think that you have anything to be worried about

  5. probably not healthy

  6. Milk left out overnight is generally spoiled -- I wouldn't touch it. I don't think you have anything to worry about, but be careful and don't do it again. I don't think anything will happen. If you start throwing up constantly, call a doctor.

  7. I think you'll be ok.  If you are suddenly making regular bathroom trips, it was probably that milk.

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