
I dream about people dieing, is there any explanation?

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Every once in a while I dream that someone (or even many people) die. Usually it's people I know in real life but sometimes I just dream unknown people who die. In my dreams there are always suprarealistic elements. It's all very messed up.

None of those dreams ever came true. Every single person that died in my dreams is alive in the real world, so my dreams are definitely not premonitions.

My question is why am I dreaming such things? I don't think about death a lot, not more often than a normal person I asume. Anyone else having symilar dreams?




  1. It seems like the dreams have something to do with the relationships you have with these people. Maybe you need to let something between you "die" and move on.  Perhaps, the relationship needs a review and needs to be revived or put to rest.

  2. The dreams suggest you need to make some changes in  your relationships.  Your unconscious is telling you there is something unhealthy about these relationships.

    Let me know if this helps.

  3. a few years ago i dreamed a mexican man shot and killed my mom....shes still living today...thank goodness.

    Everyone has death in their dreams sometimes..I dont really know the explanation for why we do but its normal

  4. Death in your dream usually signifies change.  The death of something old, the beginning of something new.  

    I use to dream quite frequently that friends would die, I wouldn't be too concerned.

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