
I dream almost every night, is it normal? And what do strange dreams mean?

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I have a few questions, because I am completely oblivious to the dream world! Please answer all or any of them, even if it's just one; thanks!

I dream a lot; almost every night! I don't know if it's normal or not. Do you think it's bad?

Recently, I went to summer camp and had the best time of my life! Every single night since I returned, about three weeks ago, I have had a dream about it!

The other night, I had a dream that I was at camp, and my friend Sindy and I were walking up this big hill. We looked to the right and there was this huge ampitheatre, but it was seated like a stadium. Then Sindy says to me, "Oh my god, Harry Potter is real!" and I look on the stage, and Dumbledore is talking to voldemort and he says, "I'm going to die soon, so here's this gun." And it's this weird, plastic, yellow gun with buzz lightyear on it. Then, all these people gather in the center because they can get free santa hats, but then Voldemort shoots them all and they die. Does it mean anything?




  1. its normal to have weird dreams. I always have weird dreams too

  2. during the REM cycle (part of the cycle of sleep, which takes place, guess - every time you sleep) dreaming occurs. everyone dreams every night, but the remembering part is a different story.

    we dream about what's on our minds, about what we forgot...about everything. your brain is amazing, it conceives combinations you couldn't possibly come up with consciously.

    the "meaning" of dreams is c**p to me. aaah, you dream about falling, that means blah blah, you dream about a cat l*****g your nose, ahaa! that means blah's stupid, unless you already know the meaning of all these symbols you can't interpret dreams like this. the dream you had means you like harry potter and that your imagination is as crazy as anyone else's.

  3. It's absolutely normal to dream every night. Every one dreams, but many do not remember their dreams. The more open we are to hearing our heart, the more we will remember and be open to receiving messages. OUr dreamscape is an inner collection of all we have experienced. Our subconscious speaks to us in a visual language that would make sense to us.

    Since you enjoyed summer camp so much, your inner self uses it as a setting you will be receptive to. It is something that has been on your mind so much, it's become a big part of your inner world.  

    What these symbols mean to you are personal. Write your dreams down and write the question "What does this mean?" after specific parts and wait and see if any thoughts pop in your head. Keep at it. You'll be answering your own questions.

    I have more about dreams, symbolism, and energy in my newsletters at

    or you can sign up to receive them at (it's free)

  4. I dream at least once every night.  For some people it's normal, for others isn't.  It's normal for you, and that's all that matters.  And it's definitely not bad.

    When something happens, it often turns into dreams.

    I don't think it means anything imparticular.  If I really like a book, or read one that i've been thinking a lot about I almost always have this crazy dream about it.

  5. Too easy.....

    The dream is basically telling you that you and your friend are wanting to get noticed or be the most important. This is hill part. Now as for the rest i would have to say that you will get to were you want to be, but it will be a hard confusion journey.

    Hope this helps

  6. omg that happens to me EVERY year after camp. its totally normal. you just miss it a lot probably. : )

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