
I dream of being on the USA olympics swim team?

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Hi-I am a 13 year old girl from the USA. I am joining a swim team this October, and I already had the tryouts, and I am on skill medium. 3 skills higher is advanced, which is the best there is. If I can make is to advanced and train on this swim team 3-4 times a week, do you think I could make it into the 2012 Olympics? Or 2016? Or what else can I do to make it there? Being in the 2012 olympics(i will be 17) is my ultimate DREAM! And help here???




  1. ... I've read some of your previous questions, and earlier, you had a sort of "stage" where you wanted to have a career like Demi Lovato... I don't know if it's passed yet or not, but I can say this: That you should stick with one dream and focus on that one. Unless you're wonderwoman or someone... But you should seriously concentrate on one dream and do all you can to achieve that one.

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