
I dream often of eating spaghetti and meat balls. Is this Freudian or what?

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I dream often of eating spaghetti and meat balls. Is this Freudian or what?




  1. Haha...well,

    Freud always said that dreams have meanings. Something in your unconscious mind causes tension and its message is released in your dreams. Your unconscious mind is probably telling you that it wants spaghetti and meat balls and that since you aren't eating any of it, you're creating an tension that you are unware of. So go eat it.

    Does this help?

  2. Dreams show your personality.

  3. I heard on one of the morning shows (Mike and Juliet I think) that we dream of foods that we are needing in our diet, but I'm not sure if that is true...I dream about cake and sweets a lot...and pizza...and meat which is funny cuz I'm vegetarian lol.

  4. I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean anything. One of the main idea's behind Freud was the insistince of s*x and s*x related things to appear in dreams. Freud insisted that dreams are a form of fulfilling suppressed wishes. If a wish (likely to be sexual in origin) goes unsatisfied during the dreamer’s normal day, the mind reacts to this 'internal stimuli' by transforming it into a visual fantasy - allowing the dreamer to satisfy his or her desire. The result of which is a peaceful night's sleep.

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