
I dream that a cow chases me and it looks mad?

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What does this mean?




  1. stop eating beef and stake haha

  2. It means you should become a vegetarian.

    Just kidding, I love a good med-rare steak.

  3. your wife/girlfirend likes chasing you?

  4. It's just a silly dream.  If we tried to come up with an interpretation for every single dream we had, we'd come up with some crazy, out of this world stuff!  I once dreamed that I was running a haunted house and hired the real Count Dracula to scare people; however, I spent all of my time trying to keep him from actually biting people on the neck because he was offended that they thought he was just come guy in a costume!  Silly right?  I don't try to come up with an interpretation for it--it was just a crazy dream!

  5. Cows represent nuturiing..need for love.....Motherhood....

    The part of your psyche that needs nuturing is not being fullfilled, chasing you and mad..trying to get your attention.  If you keep having the same drream, you need to turn around and confront the cow......act more loving to yourself , take better care of yourself.

    And maybe you have been thinking about having a baby, and keep putting if off.....HUGS!!!

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