
I dreamed about an earthquake?

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Last night i dreamed that i was with my family in my house and there was this really long earthquake, and my dad wasn't here he was in his job, and i was trying to protect my family when my dad in the middle of the earthquake came home telling me if i a have room for another person because he wanted to save a woman, and i thought it was a Mistress or something so i said no and she died outside alone :/ and me and my family including my dad we were ok, but the house fall apart with all ours cars and stuffs...

humm, it was a strange dream the part i'm more worried about its the earthquake part because i know my dad doesn't have another woman, he is a entire family guy, but i want to know what does my dream means?

please help me i'm worried..




  1. Earthquake dream, perhaps   'you thought'  the person's a woman when you should clarify the situation.


  2. you ate wayyy too many fritos

  3. I think it means that your dad is about to get a promotion.

    You just gotta make the connections!

  4. mm esto es YR en español??

    No hay ningun problema, solo un toque de atencion para ti, para que no seas intolerante ni tan cerrada en tu familia, y para que valores mas lo que tu tienes y mucha gente no puede. salu2 amiga!! plcaer leerte despues de tanto tiempo, aunque sea en ingles, idioma que domino a la perfeccion!

  5. someone at your dad's job like him and that person is trying to get your day to cheat and because he refused there was a little rumble and that person was cut off

  6. It means nothing; it's just your subconcious expressing the common human primordial fear of death and disaster.  IMHO.

  7. its a sign....

  8. it might mean that you are pathalogically afraid of earthquakes

  9. Well, an earthquake in a dream tends to represent something that is "shaking you up" so to speak. There is something in your physical (or maybe emotional) life that has you distressed...Money issues perhaps? Also the earth represents the mother...So perhaps it has to do with your attachments to your mother. Perhaps you feel yourself growing apart?

    As for the mistress thing. Seeing a mistress in your dream doesn't so much mean that the person is cheating so much as being lured into bad situations or activities. It also is a sign of feeling ignored.

    So perhaps your family has been a bit preoccupied with something recently and you feel a bit left out because of this?

    No idea, but that's a general idea.


  11. where you in the earthquake in california recently?  maybe that had something to do with it.

    dreams are often the results of overactive imaginations.  cherish yours!  and don't necessarily believe that something that happens in a dream has an application in reality.  but people are crazy like that, maybe your dad does have something he needs you to do and maybe you feel like you let him down.  it can be a good way to think about what's important in your life.

  12. Words like family: Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead.

    Words like house: Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being.

    Words like earthquake: Soul shaking. Deep levels of change. Difficulties must be overcome.

    Words like job: Work on fulfillment. Frustrated or satisfied with life.

    Words like family: Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead.

    Words like earthquake: Soul shaking. Deep levels of change. Difficulties must be overcome.

    Words like home: Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family.

    Words like family: Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead.

    Words like house: Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being.

    Words like cars: Personal power. Ego.  

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