
I dreamed about my friend constantly for weeks then he died.?

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Hi, I dreamed about this boy I know every night for 3 weeks...then he died. Since he died I have only had 1 dream about him..and he was only in it very briefly..he was asking for directions. I would actually really like to dream about him now as I miss him so much and that 1 night that I did dream about him after he died I woke up feeling so happy as I felt I had been close to him again..

Why did I dream about him constantly before he died? They weren't bad dreams..he was just in them one way or another. Why don't I dream about him now he's gone?

I hadn't seen him for about 3 years..but he was someone i loved so much..I found it wierd that I kept dreaming about him when I hadn't seen him.




  1. sometimes i dream about things then they happen.

    maybe when your dreamd about him your mind new something was going to happen

  2. i dream things and they happen after  within the week

  3. I have simmilar dreams, but the people who I dream about havent died.  Usually when I dream and people are in it, very rarely do I ever see a face.  Usually all of the faces are a blur and I dont know who they are, they are just figures in my dreams.  When I do see someones face in my dreams, when their face is clear and I know who exactly it is, it usually means that something is wrong somewhere with them.  9 times out of 10, Im right.  Once I wake up and its an appropriate time, I give the person a call whom I saw in my dreams the night before and ask them if everything is okay.  

    The worst thing thats ever happened was this:

    I had a dream one night, out of the blue and it had my friend in it.  I hadnt seen or talked to her in a while, and it really surprised me.  I could see her face, clear as day!  The next day when I woke up, I called her and I couldnt reach her.  I eventually got in touch with her mother and her mother told me that she had been in a bad car accident and she was in the hospital.  Call it coincidence?

    Maybe you dreaming about this boy for 3 weeks on end was a sign that something was going to happen.  Some people have this instinct and I also believe they made a movie of something simmilar.  Something triggered your sub conscious to continually dream about this boy, and maybe it was his way of saying "hey!  I need help... somethings going to happen."  This would probably also explain why you dont dream about him as much anymore, since he's passed on.

    My father passed away a few years ago from a heart attack.  After he passed, my father would visit me in my dreams almost constantly, but as time passed on his visits became few and far between.  I was told by a friend of mine that when my father visits me in my dreams, its his way of saying hello and telling me that he loves me.

    Cherish these memories of your friend and when he visits you in your dreams pay attention to what happens.  I'd also suggest lighting a candle in his memory.

    Hope my answer helped....

  4. The last dream might have been about 'asking for directions'.. asking directions to a better place (heaven). And i dont know about the rest. Hope i helped :)

  5. I too have had this in the past on around two occassions, maybe more. It wasn't dreams I had, just prolonged intense thoughts about people (an estranged uncle and a neighbour if I recall- I was only a child) but they were vivid thoughts about someone who wouldnt ever ussually enter my spectrum of thought and then WHAM, after these thoughts the person died. Weird.

  6. ahh thats wierd that after he died he asked for he was going to heaven or something. thats sweet

  7. When we have a close connection with someone we form a bond. Just because we don't see them any more for whatever reason doesn't mean that the connection is lost. You were obviously linking thoughts with him and on some level knew something was wrong.  Now there is nothing wrong and he is happy in the spirit world you don't dream of him. The one you had after he passed with him asking directions was just a quick visit to say he is fine, the asking for directions wasn't important, no-one needs to ask the way to the spirit world, it is just a few steps away. I'm sure in a while he will come visit you again.

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