
I dreamed about numbers and came up with an upcoming date...?

by  |  earlier

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Last year, I had a dream in which a series of numbers and a letter appeared, clear to me. The moment I woke up, that series of numbers popped into my head again:

2 0 2 0 1 0 D

So when I woke up I immediately wrote them down and tried to figure out what the meant.. a phone number, matching letters, or whatever... and then I came up with a date: 20th day of the year 2010 of the month of December...

So... does it mean that I should expect something to happen on that date, or am I just being silly and should I just forget about it?




  1. I would remember the numbers just for fun.

  2. I know the number 20 is very lucky in a dream ;so if you got it right about the date you came up with ; it should be a very happy events in your life

  3. Well I wouldn't stress about it, but I also wouldn't forget about it. Keep it in the back of your mind, but don't forget it.

  4. Nostrodamus



    Check out:  "Maya Calendar Prophecy" on

  5. oh man i love dreams like these. it must mean something important. maybe you should go and see a psychic and they can help you out with this. good luck, dont let it go.

  6. Don't stress over it. I had the number 138 in my head for about 3 years and nothing ever came of it. Plus, what if you are looking at this number wrong? Maybe it's the year 2020, and the 10th month, and who knows what the "D" is? So, let your life flow onward and whatever happens, happens!

  7. Well i have no idea it could be just any other day. Everyone can interpet a dream differently. But i'd remember it just for anything.

  8. Dreams are just the unconscious working out issues of what your mind has processed during the day.   The number likely represent something for you.  If you take any number and look hard enough you will find some meaning in it.  It will not hurt anything to keep your interpretation but don't worry over it since it most likely means nothing.  Of course there is a thing call wish fulfilling prophecy.  This is when we decide something is going to happen and we both consciously and unconsciously make it happen.

  9. yeah remember them.

    then someday years from now, see if they make sense then in hindsight

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