
I dreamed of Gordon Ramsay last night. What might that mean??

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Oh dear, last night I watched Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares on TV and afterwards, I had the strangest dream. Ramsay was visiting me in my kitchen when I was cooking spinach, potatoes and eggs. He stood around and was praising me and told me he could learn so many things just by watching me. And all the time, he called me "my darling". Then, just to please me, he turned into a veggie. Not a vegetarian, a real veggie. It was a large bright green broccoli with a hat. Oh dear. I hope that doesn't mean I'll end up his wife, growing broccoli in the garden, wearing a hat!? This is all very confusing and scary. And it makes me so hungry.




  1. it means u hate gordon and brocoli

  2. Hmmm...I'm suspicious since GR is reknown for hating vegetarians!

  3. That was indeed a strange dream. Perhaps that how you think of him 'Broccoli Head.'

  4. It means you think Gordon is so s**y that he's good enough to eat . You mustn't indulge your fantasies because he is a meat eater. You believe you have hope because he is willing to please you by changing.  But beware of Brits in veggie clothing.  He is putting on a new hat to disguise his carnivorous lust,

  5. write a book :(The Scary Broccoli And Me)

  6. I think it means you like brocolly and fancy gordon ramsey at some level. You poor thing. The fact he turned into a brocolly for you to eat in the dream means that you want more than just brocolly spinach and eggs with him. AND you get hungry just thinking about this dream, do have it bad..

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