
I dreamed of Satan as a pillar of fire.

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He offered me unlimited money, women, power, if I would do a small favor for him. 2 years later. I agreed in my dream, though for two years now I still have heard nothing of this "favor" he wants me to do. If I was even talking to him in the first place. I will note that I was a practicing Christian at the time, and never would have agreed when I was awake. Any thoughts? (NO CHRISTIANS)




  1. It was just a dream #1, plus what makes you think it was Satan??

    If as you say it was, you renounced the deal, it's gone in your thinking correct.... so you have no actual question.  You already answered it.

  2. First off, recognize that it was in fact a dream. Can you really be held to subconscious thought?

    Second, I believe that you may have been questioning your faith then. At least on some level. If this is something that is still bothering you, I suggest you take some time to try and figure out what you really believe.  

  3. Once Satan offered me an Ace in a card game. I took it and my one Ace lost to a pair of Jacks.

    Satan said "You owe me"

    I replied "Double or nothing"

    "HAHAHA! Bring it!"  he chuckled.

    I lost purposelessly and kept my soul.

    Moral: Mistakes can be rectified.


  4. I guess its the tought of h**l and satan was lurking in your subconcious mind the fear of going there or owing him anything. Catolicism forced upon you tends to do that to some kids. I guess taking a break to think about your faith might do you some good since it obviously scared you and occupied you toughts.

  5. it was a dream. nothing more than that. how can you really believe that you actually made a pact with satan. i've had dreams where i've had conrvesations with god that last an eternity. i didnt really speak with god.

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