
I dreamed of christ doest that mean im gonna die soon?

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i had a several of dreams last night but for some weird reason they were all related to church and christ but after i dreamed all that i dreamed of the greek weekper and that has me scare is it cause im stressing on my death that has me dreaming this weird horrible dreams cause two months ago i had a dream of my teeth falling with blood then 3 weeks ago i had the same dream and last night i had a dream of someone getting married and i saw jesus christ 3 times he didnt talk to me or anything but the image was there like you know the necklace of christ that some people wear in church and also the jesus christ on the cross does that means im gonna die or someone near me it is or dreams dont mean anything?




  1. I think it is usual for people to dream of their teeth falling out...usually that means you are clinching them in your sleep.

    I don't know who a greek weekper you mean the Grim Reaper?

    Just because you have a dream about something doesn't mean it comes true. I have had many weird, scary stressful dreams and they didn't come true. They usually occur when I have a lot of stress in my life (too much to do and not enough time).

  2. Well maybe not, talk to your church director (if you go to church), maybe God is sending you an important message

  3. i dream of that stuff sometimes, but maybe God is tyrying to make you see somthing have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, if not go to a Baptist church or any Christian church, and ask for help, just remember God is in control of your life

  4. I think God is trying to communicate with you, even if to say that he loves you thru his son.

    I had a dream once thta I was standing by the cross and looking up at Jesus who was being crusified.

  5. "I had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating ME!" lol

  6. No, you are not going to die.

  7. dreams just come from the 4th memory wave as u sleep,althou if u wathced a movie about him thats were ur having it from ur brain waves, but also,im not saying it is him,but jesus has been showind sighs latley,im sure u can find them on the computer,or u may be goind through a faze,well ur brain waves,if thats possible,but i dont think ur going 2 die im kinda sure of it,hope this helps!!! =)

  8. Relax i had recurring dreams on demonic dreams and cause i was going out with a@#% H**@. I think you are under alot stress and you need to relax. Enjoy life and your family . Life is too short worrying about dreams. Yeah they do have meaning. Don't think about too much.

  9. it means that jesus is either wanting you to know more about him and according to him your going in the wrong direction..other wise there really isnt more to it your just looking to deeply into the dreams look in a dream book or online

  10. My brother said that he dreamt that God called his name. He was very hysterical about the whole thing. This was back in 2001. Two weeks after that he was murdered...

  11. dreams are your subconscious way of analyzing information for storage.  That's it.  For what it is worth every one is gonna die, it is a natural part of life, and each moment is one you survived.  Don't worry about it.

  12. STOP fretting! Dreams are part of the Human makeup and No one,and I mean NO ONE can interpret what they mean or if if fact they have meaning! Nothing has been proven as fact that dreams are anything more than dreams! Daniel in the Bible was gifted to interpret the Kings dreams but I hardly believe there are any who can honestly do so today! Many claim they can,however they charge for this FAKE service! So let not your Heart be troubled over this,as it can lead to stress and stress can kill!

  13. It probably has more to do with what you ate before bed than anything to do with Jesus.

  14. You're not going to die.  

    Teeth falling out in dreams usually means you're telling lies.  Jesus could be a symbol to tell you to "have faith"...  as would any religious icon...  and someone getting married could mean someone is starting a new life...  

    Dreams are almost NEVER literal.  Read between the lines and look for symbolic meanings.  Usually it's personal and only you would understand it's meaning.

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