
I dreamed of the prophet Mohammad (sallallaho alayhi wassalem) but didn't see his face

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salam everybody

yesterday I had a dream of the prophet Mohammad wearing like an arab robe that had a blueish, greenish color that i see rarely and this robe had some kind of decoration like writings ( la ilaha illah mohammed rasoulo llah) something like that...and he was wearing greek looking sandals ..they were brown..and he was saying something...I heard his voice talking but I forgot what he was saying. When I tried to see his face, I looked up and saw like a black scarf on the back of his head (it's like i was behind him)..I couldn't see his face.. and then I woke up

Is it a bad sign or something because I couldn't see his face? Do you have any ideas what would it mean?






  1. idk, but ure lucky......I wish I could have a dream like that.

  2. No one can see his face in a dream, but the prophet Muhammad (s) will only appear in white, so i do not think it is him, and the prophet said man r'ana r'ana, meaning whomever sees as he has really seen us.

  3. Mashallah Sis Good dream but u must not mention it 2 everyone. see how people r saying. Jsut make duwa that we all can see him in this world & the akhira which is more important & may he do Safaa(pleed) 4 us in the hereafter.

  4. Actually, most of the answers here are completely stupid (except for a few, including Dhul Qarnayn).

    Iblis cannot resemble the Prophet (PBUH) in a dream. People who dream about the PRophet (PBUH) will not remember how he looked like but will know/sense its him. Therefore, you DID dream of the prophet (PBUH).

    Whats important from your dream is what he told you. It could be a glad tiding, or a warning about something wrong you are doing, or simply assurance to stick to what you are doing...try to remember what he said and keep it to yourself and do your best to fulfill it!

  5. If you did not see his face how did you know it was him?

    Common sense people!

  6. Well, what did he say? That is the best part! You may be doing something wrong and you are so lucky (I don't like the word "lucky" but I didn't find an alternative) that you were warned and reminded to leave it. Try to remember what he told you and keep it to yourself.


    Sahih Bukhari, Volume 009, Book 087, Hadith Number 126.


    Narated By Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri : The Prophet said, "Who ever sees me (in a dream) then he indeed has seen the truth, as Satan cannot appear in my shape."

  7. mashallah, Muhammad (saw) said:

    (Whoever saw me in dream he saw me indeed that the Devil can't resemble me).

    there will be good not bad sign inshAllah.

  8. Mashallah!

    that was good dream, I think that's good sign that you saw him be it just his back and not the face, I never see such dreams and according to that I feel like you are very lucky!

    And for what it may mean, I can say that may be he wants you to hold on to the way of life he said we have to follow!

    Can't say more, but thanks for sharing!

  9. Mashaallah sis, that must have been a wonderful dream. Any dream with the prophet in it must be wonderful. Only you know the kind of feeling you had in the dream and use that to interpretit.


  10. You must have watched a movie which made you dream this. I dream strange things every night, but never take it literal.  

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