
I dreamt I had quadruplets but then they turned into puppies, what's up with that?

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I dreamt I had quadruplets but then they turned into puppies, what's up with that?




  1. The dreams suggests while you might desire to have children at this point you are not prepared to have them.

  2. It means you're scared of them growing up, and you want to rule them as babies forever...and ever! You must like changing p**p diapers.

  3. Shhh! Just go with the flow. Puppies are much more fun. Ok, to prove a point, I'll take care of the puppies, you handle the children.

  4. It means that Guido can't be the father.

    *cries and cries and cries and cries and cries and cries and cries*

    <---wanted to spawn with Shmecs

    *cries again*

  5. Dreaming of dogs may  indicate a longing for companions of loyalty and trust.   Dreaming of four means you need an orgy.

  6. Hmmm...I will refer you to Mermaid Dream Interpretation.

    It probably has alot to do with being a mermaid and not being able to conceive a human child, so you overcompensate by dreaming about four-at-once, then your dreaming mind was having trouble dealing with that many mouths to feed, so it did you a big favour and changed it's mind and provided you with a safety net and gave you safe, cuddly puppies.

    Good choice! This clearly indicates you're basically mentally healthy and emotionally secure.

    Strong indicator dream, easy to interpret, simple as that.

    Now go jump back in that crystal blue ocean! (slap on the hiney)

    Doctor Dave's Sunday Morning Free Advice Hour.

    Open Anytime.

  7. It means your giant boobies should be rationed just in case.... ya know just in case of a ...well yea one of those times. Fulk this I need sleep

  8. Puppies or guppies...??

  9. errr... too  much sugar?

  10. The number 4 ; means luck ; yes one of your project will go ahead

  11. It means that four Snickers bars are not enough anymore.

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