
I dreamt last night that I really badly broke my foot - what does this mean?!!!?

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I haven't done any sport or injured my foot recently. Can't remember how it got broken but had to be set in a cast with my foot bent to help it heal. Very weird.




  1. It means you had a dream about breaking your foot.  Don't stress.

    Although if you do end up breaking your foot in the near future, go back to sleep and see if you can dream up some lotto ticket numbers for me.

  2. Have you lost transportation or mobility for some reason lately?  Maybe the fuel prices have your feeling crippled.

    Also, is there some situation where you find yourself unable to "put your best foot forward?"

    One more... the feet can represent sharing your faith in God with others.  There is a verse in the Bible that says, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news."  Consider if you have been handicapped in your ability to share your faith in a meaningful way recently.

    Both shoes and a cast are protection for the feet.  Perhaps there is some area where you risk loss or ineffectiveness and need to be more careful... protect yourself.  Or maybe this has already happened, and you're paying the price for not protection yourself in some way (legally, reputation, investments).

    Whatever the problem is... it seems there is a solution to it, but it might be something inconvenient, unconventional or uncomfortable, like your cast and your bent foot in the dream.

    Maybe it will mean carpooling, taking the bus...

    or looking more closely at yourself to evaluate what is holding you back in situations where you want to sprint on ahead joyfully.

    Pray for wisdom.

    God bless you,


  3. you are emotinly hurt by somthing that some one did to your foot

  4. Its just a dream. But watch you step better safe then sorry.

  5. It just a dream forget it and enjoy your life...

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