
I drink 4-6 cans (330ml) of soft drinks (pepsi and cola ) every day what the effect on me is it bad?

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I drink 4-6 cans (330ml) of soft drinks (pepsi and cola ) every day what the effect on me is it bad?




  1. The acids in soft drinks causes rapid tooth decay. <}:-})

  2. Really it's just too much sugar in caffeine.

    Try this out... go three days without it at all, youll get headaches and feel tired and drained. That's because your addicted.

    Really just try to limit it to 1 a day, it should help your life alot!

    I love pop too, u jus got to keep it in moderation.

  3. Over a period of time, you can develope a kidney stone because of all the caffeine.

  4. If you have regular soda that much that can easily lead to diabetes along with acne.  If diet soda, i heard that if you have too much over a long period of time it could cause cancer. again, that is only what i heard

  5. As you get older you'll feel the effect of the sugar as your organs aren't able to deal as well with all that sugar intake. I'm 31 and where I never had a problem with it before. But now it has a tendency to make me tired.

  6. fat. cavities.

  7. Come down off the ceiling and I'll tell you why it's bad.

  8. It's bad for your skin, your heart, your teeth, your BODY. It can make you have problems going to the bathroom, etc.

  9. well there is something i've heard that if you drink more than one can of coke or pepsi a day then you're more likely to have adult diabetes. and your teeth are more likely to decay and you'll need fillings.

  10. The fact that your asking this question really indicates that you know your over the limit on your daily intake.

    Your not going to notice an immediate issue but over time you will. What you will see quickly is an inner tube around your waste (not being mean) this is sugar. Even diet,

      Ya know what.... make yourself a stupid deal  start...

    For every can of soda you drink the next HAS to be WATER. ! So no more soda until you have a bottle of water.

    Go to the store and buy your 12pack of pepsi and a 12pack of Water.

    Try that for two weeks.. You'll see a change !

    Then you'll be able to just slow down to having 1-2 cans a day !

    REMEMBER   1SODA 1WATER  :-)  !!!

    Lets see those effects .. I mean this with kindness :)  GL  

  11. Soooo i did this for a few years...

    I was at a party on night and my heart started skipping beats...

    Not good! it was the caffeine..Since getting off sodas, I'm less of a fat *** and my heart is just fine!

  12. Bladder and kidney trouble unless you drink equal parts water.

    Now as for as women drinks also deplete our bodies of calcium and phosperous. Low phosperous can make you tired - feeling lazy. Cn also have you light headed and feeling faint- you can faint.  

  13. well if you drink to much soda it will mess your kidneys up i drink about 8-9 pepsi cans aday

  14. It might hurt your teeth and give you diabetes

    drink more water its better 4 u

  15. tsk tsk tsk

    please, stop.

    your increasing your chance of heart disease with every can

  16. It can make you gain weight, and soda can stain your teeth. I would recommend cutting down on the soda buddy!

  17. that is a huge amount of soft drink to drink everyday. one can of coke is the max recommended sugar intake per day.  

  18. it's not alot of soda, i can drink more if i want, i know people who only drink soda (no water whatsoever() and they're fine

    i don't like drinking soda because it's bad for you

    it's got bad things in it, it could cause diabetaes or something

    it could messup your stomach lineing or something, i dunno, try drinking iced tea (make it yourself, cheap and good for you)

    or green tea

  19. Well your bloods probably thicker and sweeter than maple syrup.

    Possibly cancer. When your expose to some thing to much it can become cancer is  

  20. thats about 36X6 -> 216 grams of sugar you get from drinking pop. and then if you eat fast food and even other stuff, theres more sugar.

    so you do the math.

    next stop: fatty land

  21. Of course not, Diabetes is fun! Plus, Wilford Brimley is making sure your testing strips are delivered at low to no cost to you, lucky.

  22. YOU KNOW very well that its bad for you..way too much caffeine, way too much sugar and way too many carbs and not enough nutrients!!! yuo keep it up u will gain about 15-20 lbs a year from drinking that much soda alone

  23. 1 - bad teeth (wearing away the enamel so it will be sensitive etc)

    2 - too much sugar is never good (diabetes and high blood pressure)

    3 - Liver and kidney problems (KIDNEY STONES, you do NOT want to pass a stone)

    4 - way too much caffine for one day

    there are more Ibelieve

  24. first of all its alot of sugar. if you hae anyone in your famly diabetic you will be one in less then you can count. its generally 50 you'll see this or befor eif you keep it up. its bad for the teeth and you shouldn't drink that much a day preriod.

  25. Well the caffiene can be hard on the heart after awhile, pop usually has a lot of sodium which is not good for the heart in large amounts, and the sugar in pop causes tooth discoloration and decay.

    Plus, pop adds unnessacary calories to your meal when you could've had water or milk instead.

    But trust me, I'm with you, as bad as pop is for you, I'm a pop addict as well.

    Hope I Helped =)

  26. yes the sugar is very bad, iam 16 and my parents only let me have one can a week every friday

  27. if you measure the ph of cola you will find it about 2, which is highly acidic, you will find that in later life the lining of your stomach will be badly affected, that is because the phosphoric acid in the drink is taking its toll. p/s that is why they put heaps of sugar in the drinks, to kill the taste of the acid. they can use colas as flux for soldering, it is that strong

  28. yes bad.

    empty calories and hard on your tooth enamel.

  29. its horrible.

    Now try seeing what happens when you stop... you have a caffeine addiction. Its bad for your body.

  30. Besides too much caffeine the killer sugar table sugar is very bad for you.  If you want 146 incentives to quit or reduce your sugar intake you can find them in .

  31. yes it is very bad for u ur sugar it makes u gain weight ur teeth i once got this email on why they are bad for u what coke does to ur body did u know that if u soak ur nails in coke for 4 days it will eat it off it and they use coke to clean car batteries image what it does to ur tummy and teeth and every thing inside of u i sugguest u drink more water or if u do decide to drikn that much soda try drink a glas of water for every can u drink

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