
I drink 48 oz of water a day and 8oz of juice a day and my pee is still yellow. Why is that?????

by  |  earlier

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I am 28 and I do eat healthy and not so healthy at times.




  1. Pee is yellow.

    Light yellow, if it's dilute. Dark yellow if it's more concentrated.

    What other colour would you expect?

  2. Veggies, fruit, vitiams will all cause this what ever nutrient your body does not absorb has to come out

  3. It depends how often you drink that, Yellow pee is healthy as long as its not too concentrated. The reason your body excretes clear pee is because you drank so much water that it has to dilute the excretion. So don't worry.

    And be careful you can actually over hydrate your body which can be dangerous.

  4. Yellow is ok as long as it is not cloudy or have a strong odor.

  5. ask ur doctor

  6. I'm pretty sure sure pee is supposed to be yellow.

  7. The darker it is the more dehydrated you are.

    For proper hydration we need 1 ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight plus 8 more ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise. Based on your liquid intake I would expect that you should weigh 112 pounds. If you weigh more than that then you are not getting enough liquids.

    You claim to drink water and juice. Keep in mind if you consume anything with caffeine it will actually dehydrate you. Remember that chocolate has caffeine too so even if you don't drink any caffeinated drinks you can still get caffeine and get dehydrated.

  8. You're taking in about 1.65 Liters of liquid according to what you said.

    Urine is normally yellow, as it contains waste products. Urea, for example, along with other salts. If you're urine were completely clear I would go to a doctor as that is not usually normal, perhaps you would be drinking too much.

    I am not a doctor, but please be aware that it is dangerous to drink too much water. Make sure you don't overdo it and eat something with some salt or a banana if you're drinking a lot.

  9. Were you expecting purple or blue ?

  10. Do you take vitamins especially vit.b And what kind of juice do you drink,and what veggies do you eat all of these could make your urin yellow.

  11. What color are you expecting??

  12. Urine is yellow because of Urobilins, chemicals in your bloodstream that from when cyclic tetrapyrroles break down.  Drinking more or less fluid will not greatly change the amount of Urobilins you have in your bloodstream (if it did affect the level, then you'd be drinking far too much and diluting your body's ability to transmit blood and oxygen).

    You really shouldn't worry about your urine coloration, it's normal for it to be yellow.

  13. It's supposed to be yellow.  It's when it starts changing other colors you should be worried.

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