
I drink everyday (20 or more standard drinks) how long you reckon 'till i need a new liver?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 btw.




  1. stop drinking man

  2. what do you drink ?

  3. they wont give u one if its alcohol related so dont even bother

  4. I reckon the shaking and the hallucinations will start before that.

  5. yesterday

  6. maybe your boyfriend will donate part of his

  7. If you are drinking 20 ounces of alcohol every day you are probably drunk or significantly impaired at this moment. Alcoholics are not accepted as recipients of liver transplants, so you wouldn't get a new one. If you drink like this for very long, you won't even be aware you need a liver transplant for the damage to your brain cells. At 17 you'd qualify for the Darwin award. So go ahead and be stupid...just don't drive and specially not in my neighborhood.  

  8. If your drinking 20 or more standard alcohol drinks a day at 17 then you need a brain more then a liver.

    Drinking socially and responsibly will gain more respect in the community.

    The cemetery's already have enough young adults under 21 and do not need more

  9. Best start looking now!!!!!!! Does any of the 20 include red wine?? that supposed to be kinda good for u init but think the limit is bout 2 units

  10. this is not good.

  11. Don't worry, chances are you'll be dead from another side effect, before you'll need the liver.

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