
I drive MAnual, what the perfect solution to a proper take off!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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A.K.A not stalling or bunny hoping if you know what i mean




  1. That's where your footwork matters. You see, you have to balance in between the clutch level and the acclerator pressure rate. It all takes practice, but do remember one thing - the more you release your clutch after engaging a gear, the more you have to accelerate to let it move (but don't overdo it or you'll only be revving your car mad!).

    Riding the clutch shows that you're inexperienced, but a secure way if you're uncertain about resting your left foot. Remember, do not ride your clutch too often or your clutch linings will wear off faster than usual!

  2. ride the clutch. I didnt get it at first either until i just thought about it. Ride The Clutch.  When you do it, you'll beat yourself up for not getting it sooner.

  3. Always come very slowly off the clutch and FEEL the friction point (when the transmission begins to turn your drive wheel).....when you feel a "tug". Hold this position as you come slowly off the brake, and once your car begins to move a little, continue coming off the clutch all the way.

    Always push the clutch in fully quickly, and AFTER braking first to about 1,000 rpm...........

    Always let the clutch out very slowly through all the gears.

    Your feet should be moving in an "off and on" clutch slowly, off brake, on move

    When stopping, off gas, on brake, clutch in quickly and fully.

  4. DO NOT ride the clutch.  Just get into first comfortably.

  5. To make the perfect take off you need good timing with the gas and clutch, the right amount of gas, and also the right amount of riding the clutch.

    If you ease the clutch out til the car starts to move and slightly increase the revs, and continue to do this until the clutch is fully disengaged you are doing wll.

    If you feel the car start to jerk, push the clutch in a slight amount and try again, just slower.

    Its a balancing act, but once you get it, you wont forget it.

  6. You must know how fast to release clutch and when and how much gas to give.  It varies between vehicles.  Sounds so simple!  Got to a shopping center or large lot after hours and practice.  It may take a while to get, when you finally get it, it will never go away!  If you get angry, STOP and take a walk or try later.  You can not learn if you are angry!  I train truck drivers, as soon as they get angry, they are on the ground until they calm down!

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