
I drive about 30 miles to work everyday. Not far, takes about 1 hr. Why do I get so sleepy driving?

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I drive about 30 miles to work everyday. Not far, takes about 1 hr. Why do I get so sleepy driving?




  1. Everyone i know gets sleepy from driving. The mind works overtime when driving. Shows your a good driver. A lot of concentrating. Mostly long distant driving will cause this. Its normal.

                 Take care.

  2. Do you listen to radio? Put on some AM radio. Also drive with some caffeinated tea. I know coffee makes me groggy after the rush wears off.

    Also maybe you're not eating right, sleeping enough?

  3. Your not scanning the landscape enough.  You're keeping your eyes fixed forward too long and allowing your self to become hypnotized.  To help this, move your eyes around.  Check your mirrors more often.  Check traffic to your sides more often.  Look at your speedometer more often.  If that does not help, try coffee.

  4. Go to sleep earlier, take a little jog before you start driving, drink water throughout the drive, take a couple of deep breaths every once in a while, listen to talk radio, or take a 15 minute nap before taking off.

  5. Not far?  I think that's reasonably far.  Be careful.  If you think you're sleepy, pull over and wake yourself up just to be safe.

  6. i drive 30 miles to work and i think the reason is that its the same thing....time after time, day after day, same trees, same road, try takeing a back road, it would be a change of pace, u should try different stuff, listen to a comedy cd, or some hard rock, listen to somthing that gets you pumped, hope this helps, it works for me

  7. dehydrated? or just dislike the job ;)

  8. I do the same.. It's from boredom.. Driving an average of 30 mph in traffic is *ss.  I got sat radio and it is a lot better now..

  9. I drive about 22 miles to work and I have the same problem!  I don't know why I get drowsy, but I have found that chewing peppermint gum helps to keep me more alert.

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