
I droped my camera and I think I broke it but can I get my pictures back?

by Guest63995  |  earlier

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I went on a vacation and I took lots of great pictures


then i dropped my phone and the lens wont go down.

and nothing shows on the screen.

my family doesn't have money to spend like that for another camera, so is there any way to fix it or anything.

also ANY WAY can i get my pictures back?





  1. u could just take out the memory card in the camera...the pictures are saved in there.

  2. like the others say...I pretty much hope you have a card in there otherwise, you're screwed. As for the camera itself, take it to a repair shop depends on each one on how much they charge to fix it. Or take it back to the store if you have a gaurantee(sorry forgot how to spell)

  3. If they are on a card, simply remove the card and get one of the usb things that have a card insert place on them. If not, turn your camera on and try to download the pictures as usual. If you still can't get them, contact the company's tech support(you can google for it if you don't have it on hand) and ask them. Good luck!

  4. what camera is it? if its a coolpix the same happened to me!! i returned it for a full refund and chose to buy a different camera because they were out of the coolpix one :)

  5. Is it a camera or a phone with a camera that you broke? I'm a bit confused by your answer

    With an ordinary camera, yes you can retrieve your photos by taking out the memory card and sticking it into a card reader so that the pics can be developed or transferred onto a computer.

    With a phone, it depends where the photos are stored. Some phones store them on little micro memory cards. Again, your photos can be taken off the card. If you've got a phone with the photos stored on it rather than on a card, you're into trickier territory. Bring it into a good phone shop, preferably one that sells cables, bluetooth dongles. That sort of thing. The people in the shop might be able to take the photos off with a cable.  

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