
I dropped my brand new cell phone in the toilet what do i do???

by  |  earlier

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ok well i was gonna go to the bathroom and i forgot i had my cell in my back pocket so it fell in the water....but i didnt use the restroom so its clean my phone going to work again.....please tell me yes i just got it no more than 2 weeks ago....its the lg shine from att&t ....HELP!!!




  1. take the battery out immediatly let the phone dry out and there's a slim chance you didnt fry it. once it dryed out put the battery back in and cross your fingers ( using a hair dryer can speed up the procces but be careful)

  2. omg that sucks so much. try leaving it and not turning it on until you know its dry.or if you have warranty, go change it. but make sure its like full warranty because some only cover problems in the phone that you didnt do that just hapened by itself

  3. This happened to my friend. You have to let it completely dry out. Remove the battery and place it and the phone on a paper towel exposed to the air. After 2 days his worked normal again. Hopefully yours will too.

  4. if you don't try using a hair dryer..

  5. i had the lg env and i dropped it in a toilet. it was fine as soon as i dried it out in the sun. leave it in the sun, i know people who have brought phones in the ocean and they've been good after a day in the sun. i now have the voyager and im not planning on making that mistake again ;)

  6. Just send the phone back and they'll give you a new one.

    You DO have a warranty don't you? That's a shame if you don't since it only costs $5

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