
I dropped my camera in the hot tub?

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I dropped my camera in the hot tub I got it out almost right away but I tried turning it on a couple times because I didnt know any better... is there any hope for it now??




  1. umm i would go to like a camera store and have them try to fix itt??

  2. i dont think so that it has damaged very large,there may be chance of water to enter into the circuits,probably may not work, just get it dried.

  3. ? 50/50  if u lucky

  4. i highly doubt it

  5. put it in a bag of uncooked rice and keep it there for about a day it worked for my best friend and his phone was in a pool for about 30min, any way good luck!!!

  6. At least its clean now

  7. If you hadn't turned it on it would have a better chance.  Take the battery out and try the rice trick mentioned earlier.  Flour would make a mess of the camera, don't try that one - it would jam up the lens movement.  Another method that might work is to bake it dry in the oven.  Put it in the oven (without the battery) at 100-120 F for several hours.  Then take it out and let it dry overnight or longer.  In the meantime try charging the battery.  After about a day put the battery back in it and give it a try.  If it "almost" works, repeat the procedure.  We recovered a cell phone one time that had been through the washing machine.

  8. Happened to my cousin... & she was camera-shopping the next day. Sorry.

  9. I doubt that it would work now, as the water may have entered into the circuitry parts of the camera and caused a little damage.

  10. one time in my life many years ago I fell down in a mountain stream with foour Nikon camera s  with high speed motors on them into the river.  we placed them in water from the river and sealed them into five galolon buckets and sent them back to the factory where they were repaired and returned in two weeks.  There is always hope of repair.

  11. I dont think there is hope for it, but it might jjust need to dry out for a bit. Put it into a bag with flour. the flour will help it to dry out, it sounds crazy but it works.

  12. You might could try this.  It might work and it might not.  If its real hot were you live.  Lay your camera inside of a hot automobile.  Up next to a windshield.  Keep the windows rolled up.  Let it set like that way for two or three days.  Then try it.  I done a cell phone and a cheap watch that way.  And they both still work.

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