
I dropped my guinea Pig?

by  |  earlier

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I just dropped my Guinea pig by accident, at first i though she landed on all fours but then she started making this strange noise. It sounds like she has a blocked nose. After picking her up again to see if she was ok i realised that her top lip is bleeding and is swollen. She seems real frightened now.

Do you think i should go to the vets?

Thank you




  1. Ouch yeah I would take her to the vet. My Guinea pig jumped off a table once and was okay bit yours is bleedings so I would totally take it to the vet.

  2. A guinea pig's legs are not strong enough to hold the body from hitting the floor when dropped. Her chin and stomach took the brunt of the fall.

    It may just be a small cut, but she also may have a cracked jaw or teeth, which would require handfeeding her until she's healed enough to eat on her own. There may be other issues also that you can't see. Only an x-ray would be able to assess any broken bones or internal damage.

    If she were mine, I'd be rushing her off to the vet.

    Just for future reference, guinea pigs are easily dropped as you've unfortunately found out, especially if they squirm a lot. If you must carry your piggie, use a large towel to cradle her in your arms (wrap her like a baby). This will help prevent accidental dropping.

    Hope your piggie is okay.

  3. If you think it's that bad, go see a vet before things get worse. And of course your guinea pig is in shock. Try to calm her/him down.

  4. Yes, you should always go to the vet when  an animal is injured.

    But until you can go, make sure she has the wound cleaned and make sure you keep something cold on it(maybe an ice cube in a bag then wrapped in a paper towel) so the swelling goes down. Ask the vet if she will be ok and if you should do any further insturctions. Good luck!


  5. No, just go to the pet store and ask for some disinfected cream to put on it.  The vet will just do the same thing.

  6. YES!!

    sometimes my guinea pig gets drooped my friends!

    if its swollen TOATTALY go to the vet...if its bleeding bad then also yes.....only if it was bleeding a bit....its fine!

  7. Go to the vets. She might have a tear in her lip and did she hit enythig wile falling? she my not trust u enymore and try and get her a toy or somthing, give her somthing speachl for her to tust u. If things don't work out, u shuld get her a companion or sell her. U said that she has a blocked nose and her lip is swollen. If you bought new food for her or new food from the store for u or eny new meterls, she might be elergic. Sotake her to the vet.

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