
I dropped my phone in the sink of water what can i do ?

by  |  earlier

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my phone dropped in the sink , wasnt in there for 2 seconds luckyly i got it out as soon as it dropped. but it dosent seem heavier but i try to turn it on and i get a viberation is there anything i can do to dry it out ?




  1. Do like the others said and take out the battery and sims card.  What you really want to do is make sure the buttons are facing down while the phone dries, so any water will seep out of the phone, rather than into the electronics.  Placing it on a thirsty towel might help draw some of the water out as well.  It could take months before the camera works again, but eventually it will, mine did.

  2. get a new phone

  3. Sorry to hear about your phone.  I did a similar thing - I managed to leave my phone in my pocket and put it through a washing machine cycle.  Needless to say, it didn't feel much like working afterwards, and I had trouble living it down.

    If the water has got into the electronics, then you are stuffed, I'm afraid, as the two don't mix very well.  I think you will probably need to get a new phone.  



  4. take the battery out and let it dry, it should work in a day or so.  Someone on Yahoo Answers suggested submerging the phone in dry rice, apparently it takes out the moisture.  Either way, you need to let it dry.  Good luck!!!

  5. My brother works for AT&T - this is what they advise.  

    Absolutely do not apply heat, such as a hairdryer to the phone.  Open the back of the phone, take out the battery and sims card.  Place the open phone, back, battery and sims card in a gallon size zip-lock bag with a potato sliced in half.  The potato will absorb the moister.  It may take as long as five to seven days for all the moister to be absorbed out of the phone.  Good luck to you.

  6. Turn it off. Put it on a shelf where it gets plenty of air and light and dry it out thoroughly. You should probably take the battery out and dry it separately to avoid build up of condensation inside the phone.

    My friend dropped his Nokia in the back garden and it was there for a day and a half in the rain. We put it on the mantlepiece and a week later it was working. Some entries in the directory had been lost and some of the messages in the memory. So you never know your  luck.

  7. thats what happened to me i got a vibration and it never worked again

  8. do not turn it on! take the battery out if you can and leave it to dry for a couple of days, even use a hairdryer on low heat to dry up all the water

  9. why bring your phone to the sink its a bit silly coz now look what happened!!!!!!!   use a hair dryer if that don't work take it to the phone fixers good luck.

  10. Put it in an airing cupboard for a couple days

  11. Remove the battery, and the sim card. Place it in the sun or other warm place, and wait. Don't try to operate it until you are sure it is dry. This may take a day or so. Don't be in a hurry. Reassemble, and I'll bet it works just fine.

  12. Remove the battery.  Try and dry the handset out in front of a heater or with a hair dryer.  Then pray.   I've had some experience with this particular problem and generally speaking it's probably ruined.

  13. leave in a box and put a packet of soda crystals inside this should absorb any moisture, take the batt,and sim card out, andleave in a ventalated place.

  14. dooon't blowdry it! that i know for sure. don't know about what to do though, just have to make it clear to you to not blow dry it.

  15. Just leave it for a few hours to dry out.

  16. You can try removing the batteries and face-plates and let it all try for several days, at least 3. Don't try to use a blow dryer or anything to speed it up.

    Sadly, that kind of thing is a phone killer. You'll probably need a new one. Sorry.

  17. with hairdryer

  18. Take the battery out, remove as many covers as possible and leave it to dry for a day or two then re-assemble and switch back on. It's more likely to be OK if it was turned off when it got wet, but either way there's no guarantee that it will work again.

  19. take it to those who are technical in sush things

    if not buy an other one

    and be careful not to throw it again in the sink ok?

    you're in and at fault ok?

    phone doesn't move so you threw it ok?

    be dareful

    and good luck

  20. i tried this

    what u do is u put it in rice

    seems weird i know but it worx

    for like a half an hour

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