
I drove my car to work just fine, why won't it start now?

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I have a 2004 Ford Taurus wagon. I started it this morning and drove it 3 miles to work just fine. When I shut it off and got out, I pushed the power door lock, but nothing happened. I couldn't figure out why the doors wouldn't lock so I tried to start the car again and nothing. No sound at all. No cranking, no clicking, no almost turning over...nothing. Would a battery die so suddenly after driving? Did something come unhooked? Any help would be VERY appreciated!




  1. clean the battery cables your best bet they are dirty remove them scrape out the inside and  try again  and no batteries most always show some kind of sign before they go bad  more like a cable loose or dirty

  2. Batteries often work perfectly one crank and just fail the next time you try.  If the battery light didn't come on while you were driving you can rule out an alternator failure.  Which leaves only three options.  A failed battery, bad connections, or a bad ignition switch.  I would start by checking both connections of the battery.  If they are corroded clean them with baking soda and water.  Then check to make sure they are nice and tight there shouldn't be any movement in the terminal connectors (you may also want to check the wires where they connect to the starter and the engine block).  If that isn't the problem try jumping your car with another car if it cranks and runs your battery is likely the problem drive straight to an auto shop and get a new one don't kill it.  If you check the battery voltage it may say 12+ volts and still be faulty, check the voltage while trying to start the engine.  If both of those fail there are several relays fuses and of course switches associated with the power system.  I would suspect you have a bad connection though with absolutely nothing working so start with the cheapest and easiest problem and build from there. Good luck.

  3. Yes that can happen. It is your battery for sure. The battery has a number of plates connected to each other and if a connection of a plate breaks due to corrosion or for whatever reason, the battery will die and that seems to happen in your case. Jumping will not solve the problem, loan a battery and see if it starts the car if it does buy a new one.

  4. If your car cranked fine this morning, then we can rule out that it is a battery failure. You are in need of a new alternator. That is one of the most common signs of a bad alternator: cranks one minute, not the next. Your alternator's sole purpose is to charge the battery via power provided by the engine. If it goes out, then your battery gets no revitalization, and it will eventually die. You will need to get it jumped off or recharged until you get a new alternator. Also some places, depending on where you go, wil give you a rebate on your old alternator if you return to the store.

  5. Check the connections to the battery.

    Also, if the alternator is bad, the car would have started but then ran off the battery without charging it, so once your park it and shut it off, the battery is very very weak or dead (probably dead if you used A/C)

    Try to get someone to jump start you if the connections are OK but the car still wont start.

  6. It it's not the cables it sounds as though the battery is dead.  It's possible that your alternator/charging system has failed and is not charging your battery. Usually you will get a warning light when this happens.   Most large auto parts stores offer free battery and alternator testing.

  7. look at the cables

  8. look check your connection at the battery. its most likely not a bad battery. it may be dead but if the cables came lose. then it won't be able to charge it.  it sounds like  lose connection even a dead battery will have enough chrage to operate the doo lock or radio. check the connection that is where your problem is. oh and a car does not use the allternator to start the car it only is used to run the car ONCE IT starts and chrages the battery in the process.

  9. Yes, start at the battery. A car battery life is anywhere between 3-5 years. If possible touch one of the battery cables at the post and try to shake it loose. IF it moves you have a loose connection.

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